"I love when 'the truth is out there' just randomly changes like that"

Jul 06, 2008 03:54

I woke up at 4 am and couldn't sleep. I put on Celine's A New Day DVD and laid in my mom's bed. Now, this was the first time I've watched it since my Mia Michaels obsession. And she choreographed it all. So watching it knowing her and loving her just made it 10x more amazing than it already was. Fuck. It was hard to divide my attention between Mia and Celine and it was one big SDKJLFHSJHFA inside my brain. GOD I wish I could have seen this show irl. I fell asleep during the Frank Sinatra stuff and then skjdlfhhjsdaf. The DVD menu of that concert when it's over is humming of My Heart Will Go On, and like, it was going in my dream and then I realized it was real and it was so weird and I have no idea how long I was sleeping with that going off. It is so gorgeous though.

My sister and I went to Best Buy, where I picked up The Royal Tenenbaums, Saved, and Dan in Real Life.

We went over to my dad's, it sucked and I got in a fight with him and I fucking hate him so much.

I went over to Mette's and we watched F. Emasculata through Paper Clip. And I totally busted her shipper ass, it was so hilarious. I am really relating to that bit in one of the newer Gillian articles about books, where someone said to her, "I am so jealous you have this in front of you". Because I am feeling that so much when I watch her watch this. And when I get texts about "omg i'm watching the one about circus freaks and it is my new favorite". I am so insanely jealous that she gets to experience all of this for the first time. I mean, I love knowing the show inside and out but there is always a part of me that would give that all up just to go through it again. She's all excited to get to season 4. Because she's seen Lyle's video to Have You Seen Me Lately and keeps asking me when Scully is going to get cancer. That video is effectively making her go through four whole seasons to see something that roped her in in 4 minutes. THAT is the power of good vidding. And she so fangirls Gillian, you guys, whenever I mention something about Mulder, she completely disregards it and is just all, "YEAH, AND SHE IS SO FUCKING CUTE AND PRETTY ALSO" and she says things like, "I want to BE her". I told her about the rl cricket-eating in Humbug and she thought that was so badass of her. I CONCUR.

star - mia michaels, real-life friends, family - dad, tv - x-files, star - ga, family - angela, star - celine

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