OKAY SO MY LIFE. SAKJLDFHAS. We critiqued our photobooks. My group did not even realize it was me in my photos until I told them. They were saying things like, "I like her shadow" and "this one of her laughing is gorgeous" and OH OH MY DAY WAS MADE BECAUSE I OPENED IT UP AND THE FIRST THING OUT OF ANYBODY'S MOUTH WAS "these look like photos you'd see in a magazine". sdkjlfhas. But anyway, so they were speaking like the subject was not me and I must have let something slide - OH, they asked "who she was talking to" and I just accidentally said, "Oh nobody, I was just laughing." And they were all, "This is you??" and I was like "Yes. In the ultimate act of vanity, I photobooked myself." Critique went well, and my teacher really loved it too. I love him, he is so funny. And it's cool to watch him open up and get comfortable to mess with us as the semester goes on. OH and I got my "Do one thing everyday that scares you" poster back. 97% for the fucking win! His only beef was that "the periods didn't line up well with the path" or something really fucking nitpicky and gay. In a way I'm glad he feels comfortable to get that nitpicky - it's like he can tell how much I care about my art and how much I appreciate honest criticism for the sake of personal betterment and development. I think he gets that, he doesn't get nitpicky on anyone else.
THEN, I had biology. We had a test. What the fuck ever. I'm withdrawing. LOL I spent a lot of the testing time tracing my earring in the extra credit space. It is such a fascinating earring, it was like the funnest thing I have ever traced.
THEN OH MY FUCK, TELEVISION CLASS. OKAY. THIS. IS *THE* POINT OF THE ENTRY. And my day. And my life. So OKAY, last night, I read my textbook, as you know, and they mentioned Paula Abdul's Cold Hearted video. Nine pages later, they mentioned Straight Up. And the lecture on this material took place when I was in California, so I found myself wondering if he had shown either of those in class as examples. I decided I was going to ask him. I didn't get a chance before class, so I was going to ask afterwards. WELL, SO, HE'S LECTURING LIKE NORMAL. And we're on Commercials/Advertisement now, okay. And he introduces this term called Pastiche - using fragments of previous texts in new advertisements. Instantly, and I mean INSTANTLY, I think of when they transposed Paula Abdul into old Gene Kelly footage to sell Coca~Cola. I was going to ask him if it counted as pastiche, I had my hand up waiting to ask. He opens up Internet Explorer and is all, "annnnd I have an example of this. *opens favorites* And this is back when she was REALLY famous - " and with that line, I think, "PLEASE BE HER PLEASE BE HER". He fiddles through his favorites AND I SEE "YOUTUBE - PAULA ABDUL..." IN THERE. AND HE CLICKED IT. AND I SCREAMED "OH!!! GENE KELLY!!!!" AND JUMPED AND POINTED TO THE SCREEN. He was like, "Yes!!!" AND HE PLAYED IT. IN CLASS. ON THE BIG-ASS PROJECTION SCREEN. AND SHE WAS DANCING. AND I WAS LOSING MY SHIT. LIKE MY HANDS WERE ON MY FACE AND I WAS SO NERVOUS BUT I COULD NOT STOP SMILING AND REVELING IN HER AWESOME AND JUST GEEKING OUT IN GEN AND WANTING TO CRY AT THE MAGNITUDE OF HER TALENT. Like it was the most amazing thing to me that he used her as an example and all those kids in there had to sit and see a side of her that they don't know. Like it is so different seeing or hearing my idols in public.
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Class ended and I went up to him and I was like, "First off, I took the quiz, thank youuuu." And he was like, "No problem!" and I was like, "YEAH and also. I was gone - I was in California when you talked about Music Television, so I was reading the text and noticed they cited a lot of examples of music videos and I was just wondering which ones you showed in class. Because if you showed Paula Abdul when I was not here, I'm going to freak out." He gave a huge LOL and was like, "No, that's the first Paula Abdul we've seen" and I was like "OKAY GOOD. THANKS." Like skjlfdha you guys. Anyone who I don't have to censor myself around is pure GOLD to me, okay. I LOVE HIM. Then two minutes later I was randomly was like, "I'm so stoked that you thought to show that *points to screen and imaginary Coca~Cola commercial*. Because I thought of it RIGHT away when you introduced that term, I was about to ask you if it counted." IT COUNTS. I think he thought the vid was pretty brilliant. After he showed it I almost launched into a spiel about how Gene Kelly was her idol and how she considers that her biggest accomplishment or whatever, dancing next to him. But I decided it was probably irrelevant to anyone in the room but me, so I refrained. BUT STILL. And it's perfect because I got so into the Paula Abdul/Gene Kelly relationship last night. I don't mean I ship them, I mean the fan/idol relationship they had, it was so beautiful. LIKE, FUCKING A, THIS MADE MY DAY, WEEK, AND MONTH.
I left to go to the bagel store for a sandwich. I WAS SO NICE AND FRIENDLY TO THE GUYS WORKING. IT WAS SO FUN. And then when I was eating, the one who rang me up came over and talked to me and he was very cute and nice and funny. I saw him busing tables and knew that I could have conveniently left my name and number on a napkin and ~accidentally~ left it on the table for him to come clean up. But I didn't. I just wanted to tell you that to prove that I COULD be romantic and flirty and in relationships 24/7 if I really wanted to.