Feb 09, 2008 16:01
UGHHH I AM SICCCCCK. I slept pretty well last night, though. Then I woke up and had waffles. My grandpa is coming over in like 10 min and then we're going out to dinner and he's coming back here to watch The Office because he loves it lol. Then I'm going to see Untraceable with Mette. And now that her dance season is over she said she wanted to talk about having to give it up and I'm really excited to have that conversation. Did I tell you guys that they didn't even make it to State? That's.... unfuckingheard of. The first year our school was even in existence we went to State. It's terrible, god they must have really sucked that day to not even qualify to go. So their season ended really unexpectedly and Mette doesn't know how to deal with it. It'll be really awesome to relate to her about it because she's finally in the same place I am - having to live without it.
My sister went to a funeral today. Her ex's 18 year old sister's baby died. It was 9 months old and they don't even know why. SIDS. It scares the shit out of me - how do babies just... die. The medical examiner didn't find anything. So sad. And just two days ago my sister was talking about how she missed that baby. And it's really startling to think that it was actually dead when she was saying those words - she didn't know yet, but it was.
My mom foiled my hair. Both highlights and lowlights and from what I can tell, it took in the color very well. I still need to get her to wax my eyebrows. I LOVE HAVING A COSMETOLOGIST MOM. We just happen have this shit around our house, it's like a personal salon with a stylist and everything. And it's fun because I don't have to get dressed and we get to watch DVDs and eat while she does it lol.
Speaking of my mom, she got in a fight with her boyfriend yesterday. My sister was stupid enough to ask "why", and my mom said it was because he got sick of us calling her too much. WELL, FUCKER, DON'T DATE A MOM THEN.
I have nothing of real consequence to update about. LOL DO YOU SEE ME REACHING FOR THINGS? SORRY. lmao. How is your day? Also. Whoever wrote in my anon confessional last night totally made my morning.
scary shit,
real-life friends,
family - trish,
mood - sick,
family - angela,
rl - haircut