- We were in prison. My dad dropped some alcohol on my french fries when no one was looking, so that I'd apparantly get sick and we'd get out of there. It worked. lol.
- My mom, sister, grandma and I were needing to cross this bridge. One of those bridges that splits in the middle for boats to go under? Okay, well, people would go stand on it, and then it'd split and go up, and they'd have to hang on and it looked really scary. So I decided I wanted us to be the first ones on there so we could just get off right away. We all did, but my grandma didn't. And then she was crying because she like, fell or something.
- I was in a classroom and the teacher like, hated me or something, but I was doing something right and he was like, "Ever heard that song, '(i don't remember, something with the word "pitch" in it)'? It's like that - I can't get rid of you because you keep me in check." Or something. He was like my old fucking boss then.
- I was at Caribou, and apparantly I had bought some coffee for
gentleflower. And I wanted to try it, so I used the gift card that I apparantly ALSO got for her to buy a cup of it for me and my sister. And then, I paid them cash to recharge the giftcard for the coffee I just bought with it. LOL, SO COMPLICATED. It was cold when I started drinking it, but it was really good. And then I remembered that Caribou Coffee only exists in Minnesota, so buying her all of that shit was really useless.
- Deanna and I had my laptop on my mom's bed, and we were watching Paula Abdul's Crazy Cool video on mute and playing The Way That You Love Me and seeing if anything lined up really cool.
- I was in the shower, it was so weird, it was like, in my OLD old house but it wasn't the shower we had there. It was a smaller, newer shower attached to the end of it. And there was this girl in the bathroom the whole time and I didn't care if she saw me but at the same time it was still really weird and I kept pulling the curtain shut. The shower was so small, as was the shower head. The water kept spraying me in the face.
ana_logue, I used your shower gel though (I'VE ALSO STARTED USING IT IRL. I FUCKING LOVE IT. And it matches the smell of one of our shampoos and it makes my OCDness extremely thrilled)
- We were shopping, my mom, sister, and I, and we were in a child's clothing store. My sister ended up in a dressing room, and I said "Okay, is there anything in here that would fucking even fit her?" and she came out in this like, gold sequin clubbing top. wth. it fit kind of funny, but it was not a child's top lol. While she was doing that, I was looking at this random wall of phone covers and there were some of Sandra Bullock. I was like, "I should totally get one of these for
gentleflower, but I don't know what kind of phone she has." And then we saw Tanner, aka frickin hot kid from high school. My sister was showing him her top and they were all walking too slow, so I went past them because I apparantly wanted Tanner to see my ass? And then, when I got out of the store, something went wrong with my left leg, and my walk was no longer sexy. Like my hip flexer got all messed up and IT HURT.
- XF, season 9. I dreamt about it. lol. But our people weren't there, there was a new trio of people and they were younger. One was a goth. And she had to climb up this house and jump over it and run through this field. And one of the guys followed her and it was cute. And then I like, WAS Scully for a second? And I was watching myself get into bed with Mulder in Requiem and I was remembering what it felt like and IT WAS SO WEIRD. And my hands even did that cute thing she does in that scene, where she puts them up by her face. Oh and then the three new people were sitting in this hole of shredded up hamster stuff (you know, that light brown stuff they put in the bottom of hamster cages?) looking at this tracking device on a monitor or something. And it was glowing sort of blue and it was like MAGICAL.