Step One:
- Make an LJ post, albeit public or locked. The post should contain your list of 10 holiday wishes. These wishes can be anything, from simple and fandom-related (a fic written about your favorite pairing), to medium (a DVD you want), to really extravagant (a brand new car). Just make sure these are wishes for things you really, truly want.
- If you wish for real life things, like a DVD or CD, make sure you include some sort of contact information in your post. It can be your address or your email address ( or leave a comment), as long as Santa (or one of his elves) can somehow get in touch with you. ;)
- Make sure you post a version of these guidelines in your LJ, because it's important that the holiday joy will spread.
Step Two:
- Skim through your friend's list (or the brand new friends of friend's list, or random journals) to see who has posted their list. Now is the most important part: if you find a wish you can grant, and it's in your heart to do so, make that person's wish come true. Sometimes your trash is another person's treasure! If you have a leather jacket you don't want or a gift certificate you won't use - or you even know where you could get someone's dream purebred Basset Hound for free - give it to someone who wants it.
Step Three:
- Post this, in your LJ, any time after November 1st. Then repost it two weeks before Christmas.
Step Four:
- You don't need to spend money on these wishes to make them come true. Only spend money if you want to. The point isn't to put people out; it's to provide everyone a chance to be someone else's holiday elf. It's to spread the joy. Gifts can be made anonymously or not. It's all up to you. :)
- There are no rules for this project, nor are their any guarantees or any strings attached. Just wish! *saves you from me singing "When You Wish Upon a Star* Your wish might come true! And give if you can. You'll have the joy of knowing you made someone's holiday a special one. :)
1.) Fanfiction.
-- Prompts of mine that were never done:
SOME OF THESE (I obv want to see ANY of the ones on the second list. 6 & 8 were done, though).
-- I don't think we're supposed to do wishes that are specific to people, but I'd REALLY love for
girlie_girl_23 to finish
THIS SERIES-- And speaking of specific people, I'd really love some of my favorite smut ever. YOU KNOW, THE KIND OF SMUT BY THE AUTHOR WHO DOESN'T WRITE IT ANYMORE. *nudge nudge*. I'm only half kidding. ;)
2.) A font-making program. I really want one, but I'm not paying $80 for it, which is what they're asking for the one I used to make Fuck Me Duchovny. So... any torrenting or piratism or serial generators on my behalf, for the sake of Christmas, would OWN. I used High-Logic Font Creator if you're looking for serials. I have a "Do Me Pumps & Pearls" font just WAITING to be made. I've got one called Bubbly already written out and scanned in, and I also have an idea for one called Sweet Child. And I'm going to use my dad's handwriting to make one called Schrute. COME ON - WHO DOESN'T WANT FANDOM FONTS. Ohhhh I also want to make one called Misanthropic Bastard.
3.) An audio program or plug-in for Acid that removes vocals. (Or Acid in general. I guess mine is missing some mp3 plugin now and I can't do shit. I'D LOVE VERSION 6 OF IT. I don't torrent, but a download somehow of that would be GREAT) I had it once. I don't know where it went. But I need it really bad because I want to beat mix SO bad. It's like I know how to do it, but the words get in the way. And I've got so many great ideas. OH MY GOD
I FOUND A BEATMIXING SOFTWARE. I WANT IT. PIRATE AWAY. Torrenting intimidates me, so I don't do it :( ... HOOK ME UP?
THE I'VE-WANTED-THIS-FOR-MONTHS, AND-CAN'T-BELIEVE-I-DON'T-HAVE-ONE-YET THING. It's been in my favorites as "Lisa Edelstein Poster FAVE FAVE FAVE" since like... February when I last shopped there. And I've never bought one for myself. And now, I am broke.
THE OMG-AMAZING-AND-SMARTASSEDY THING. I'd probably be a medium. I'm not counting on it or anything, but it'd be amazing for LOL *and* "shut the fuck up, in your face amazing" value.
6.) Gift cards? EINSTEIN BROTHERS BAGELS. Subway. Caribou/Starbucks (I LOVE coffee shops at Christmastime, oh my GOD). I LIKE TO EAT A LOT, APPARANTLY. Other places I love, Bath & Body Works, Victoria's Secret, The Buckle, American Eagle, any place that sells DVDs lol.
7.) STUFF FOR MY WALL. Posters. GOD I would love a Wizard of Oz poster. Or Singin' In The Rain. Posters that YOU make, too. Anything I can hang up. A LISA COLLAGE. MARILYN. PAULA. ANYONE.
8.) If anyone has an old digital camera that they want to get rid of, I would be happy to help you out with that. Like, if you've upgraded or something and have old ones you're not using. ALL I HAVE IS THIS SHITTY 3 MEGAPIXEL (that's so low, for the record) THING THAT'S ALL SCRATCHED NOW BECAUSE I FELL OFF A CURB WITH IT ONCE :( And I like taking pictures.
9.) If anyone has avi files of all of the episodes of the following shows:
- The Office
- Pushing Daisies
- Californication
- Once & Again;
or DVD rips of House or X-Files (I am SO pissed because all the ripping I did apparantly looks like hell in Windows Media Player 10 - it has all these annoying lines from my codec, and I really don't have the heart or patience to re-rip them all); I'd love to have them put on data CDs. Not like, burned to DVDs. Just copied onto blank CDs or DVDs. I REALLY want to make music videos for those shows, but for The Office, I don't have the patience to rip the DVDs (WAIT ACTUALLY. I have AVIs of the first season. So I'd only need 2, 3, and what we have of 4), and as for the other two, I don't have the patience or a stable enough internet connection to sit and download them all. But I really want to vid them. So that would be REALLY awesome to have hard copies of some of those shows. :(
10) Something handmade and from the heart. A scarf, if you know how to knit. A card. A scrapbook. A poem, if you write poetry. A collage, a RL one, with like, magazines and stuff on cardboard. I got one from
feedmefiction YEARS ago and I've taken it with me to every place I've lived since then and put it on my bedroom doors. I love it, it has mesh and glitter and everything. One of the biggest misconceptions about me is that I'm extremely sentimental. No one seems to know/believe that. But I am.
&& Anything you think I'd remotely even like. I'm really open on here and I talk a LOT about a lot of things, so I trust you guys and think that you know me pretty well.
Amazon } - And for ANY of the movies on here, if you happen to have them on DVD, I'll totally take a download of it, or have an extra copy of it laying around, THEN BY ALL MEANS. Same with books. Well, downloads don't work on books. But if you have extras.
{ Bath & Body Works} - Okay, their wishlist sucks and won't give me a link. But I heard that they're cancelling my smell, Sheer Freesia, which really bothers me because I hate change. So, if you want to, and can find it anywhere, I'd really love some of that. Because I'm almost out. :(
I'm a LITTLE hesitant to put my address up on this public post, but we'll work it out, if you want. No pressure - I'm not expecting anything. ♥ ♥ ♥ OH I HAVE AN IDEA. If you think you might be able/want to work one of those wishes out for me - one that requires mailing, you can tell me (don't tell me which one!) and I'll work it out with you in screened comments.
Also! If you do/did this meme, leave me a link to yours!