pretty things, lovely people, blood, tin man, hair cut, new classes. im so not clever with this sub.

Nov 09, 2007 19:43



2.) I got a random card with no return address on the outside, and it turned out to be a "hi, im sending you a happy card for no occasion in particular" card from leiascully, and it made me smile. So. Thank you, AND THE MAGAZINE THINGS YOU PUT IN THERE WERE SO CUTE. Jenna is adorable and the House ad is awesome. And now on my wall. THANK YOU THANK YOU IT MADE MY DAY. ♥. I miss you or something.

3.) My sister and I were flipping through the channels and we saw X-Files. She hovered over it and we saw that it was Blood, and I told her to put it on. And she goes, "No, I hate this one." And I said, "You don't even know which one it is." And she goes, "YEAH, IT'S THE ONE WHERE THE ELECTRONICS MAKE THEM MURDER PEOPLE AND MULDER AND THE GUY END UP AT THE TOP OF THE TOWER WITH THE GUN AND IT'S BORING, OKAY." Well... oKAY then. I was pwnd.

4.) There appears to be a new Wizard of Oz-y mini-series on SciFi coming up. It's called Tin Man and it starts on Dec 2 and it looks FUCKING. AWESOME. Has anyone else seen commercials for this? A version of the Wizard of Oz that's fit for the SciFi channel... I CAN'T WAIT.

5.) I saw an amazing quote on Facebook today: "Drunken words are sober thoughts." I *DIED*.

6.) I GOT MY HAIR CUT TODAY. I HAVEN'T HAD HAIR THIS SHORT IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. I don't think. I also have never gotten my hair cut at a salon before. Colored a few times, yes, but since my mom has her cosmetology license, she's always just done mine for me. So. That was really fun. And I love my hair guy. James. He lives with his boyfriend and they have a dog and dskljafha he is just a trip. And he always mocks my mom, "the HECK it is!", and he's just so awesome. And he told me that I looked like a sophomore in high school instead of a sopohmore in Uni so he said that we'd have to cut it in a way that would start transitioning me into adulthood lol. And he asked me what I was going to school for and so I was like, "IDK, FILM, IDK." And then my mom jumps in (she was there because she was getting a cut too) and starts with that blatant flattery that I just hate. SERIOUSLY. I fucking HATE being talked up to people when I am RIGHT. THERE. I think it's so rude. And I feel like if I sit there and let them do it, and acknowledge it and agree with it, that I come across as cocky. So I told her to shut up and James threw his tools down and put his hands over my ears and said, "YOU. SHUSH. Be proud of your stuff." And I said, "No I am, but pride doesn't mean having to shove it in your face." And he lectured me and told me that I'd better get used to flattery, and that I should just accept it. I told him I felt like that was cocky to keep stressing it. And he told me it wasn't. And then we totally identified about how we like what we do and therefore are good at it and he told me that that's the way it SHOULD work. He is just so awesome. And he told me to rent Threesome to see a bunch of cool ways to wear my new hair. And he also gave me a website to check for news in the industry that I'm interested in, and he also told me to get the hell out of here. "Minnesota is not a place for what you want to do. So. Where are you going." HE WAS JUST SO GREAT YOU GUYS. SDKLJFHAS.

7.) I registered for classes:

{9:00-10:50} ART 2222: Computer Art
A hands-on introduction to the practice and conceptual basis of generating artistic imagery using computer technology. Working primarily in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, students learn scanning (both flatbed and film scanners), image development/manipulation and output (print) capabilities. Assignments challenge the student to explore Photoshop's and Illustrator's vast resources of creative potential.

{11:00-12:20} BIOL 1102: Human Biology
General education course. Human structure emphasizing normal function and causes of disease. Lab sessions include dissectoin of a small mammal, pulmonary volumes, EKG, histology, skeletal anatomy and independent investigation.

{12:30-1:50} THTR 1117: Intro to Theatre: Television
Examine the role of television as it relates to our lives; see how it has changed our culture and thinking; evaluate images and their meaning; demonstrate the role of drama in all aspects of the medium.

{3:30-4:50} ENGW 1111: Creative Writing
Study and write imaginatively in a variety of genres - play writing, short fiction, poetry and memoir - as selected by the professor. Students will also read and respond to imaginative writing and to student work in progress.

Computer art will be the fucking reason for me getting up in the morning. NOT looking forward to biology. I wanted genetics or diseases REALLY REALLY bad instead, but none of the times and dates worked out. I am a stubborn bitch and organized it all so that I only have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. ROCK ON. The TV class will be great, I can't even wait. Writing will be OKAY. The only thing I dont like is that is sounds like we're gonna have to do peer reviews and all that shit. I fucking HATE groupwork. I either do all the work, or the people who INSIST on helping out just fuck up my grade because they do it wrong. I'd rather just do everything by myself, be responsible for my own marks, thank you. LOL I don't wanna write plays either. Poetry and short stories I'll do.

lj - leiascully, lisa edelstein, family - mom, lj - clicketyclick3, picture, tv - x-files, movie - wizard of oz, rl - haircut, school - uni, star - jenna fischer, site - facebook, tv - house, family - angela

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