things happen, and then one day, if you're lucky, you can stop and say 'this is why'

Apr 15, 2007 18:43

Dear Mr. David Duchovny & Ms. Gillian Anderson:
Thank you for both being in the right place at the right time.
You seriously have no idea. No one could have done it but you.
I really have no words for your individual perfection in your respective roles,
or for your joint perfection in this dynamic duo as a whole.
♥, Liss.

Like, when I think about all that had to have lined up in all of their lives - every missed opportunity, every gained one, every contact and agent they had, every one they passed up, just... everything that led them all there at the same time to make this AMAZING thing... it just blows my mind. I seriously cannot wrap my head around this show you guys.

And this just seems fitting right now:
SCULLY: I once considered spending my whole life with this man. What I would have missed.
MULDER: I don't think you can know. I mean, how many different lives would we be leading if we made different choices? We... We don't know.
SCULLY: What if there was only one choice. and all the other ones were wrong... And there were signs along the way to pay attention to.
MULDER: Mmm. And all the... choices would then lead to this very moment. One wrong turn, and... we wouldn't be sitting here together.

UGH. This is so much more than just a show. I get in this mood about this sometimes, feel free to ignore me. But I'm just seeing it so deep right now. Such a huge part of my life. And people might see it as pathetic, but it so is a big deal. I learned SO much, it taught me how to think, it taught me how to question authority, it gave me an open mind, it expanded my vocabulary by about 500%, it took me away to exciting places, it gave me a really really strong woman to look up to, it gave me really strong man to show me how a woman is supposed to be treated, it made me smart, it gave me a sense of humor, it taught me how to push the limits. It helped make me... me.

I could write a novel on the subject, probably.

star - dd, letters, tv - x-files, star - ga

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