So, ugh I *really* think this is a stupid holiday. And I'm not just saying it because I'm single -- I'd say it even if I were with someone. Because you know what. If you love someone, you should treat them nicely EVERY day and you shouldn't need an excuse like, "OH IT'S A HOLIDAY" to buy them flowers and dinner and things. Like, it bugs me. BUT. I will use it an an excuse to tell you guys how much I love each and every single one of you for just being here, and being around, and being supportive and funny and everything else you are. You rock my socks, and I hope those of you with boyfriends have a fabulous time. Those of you who don't? Go watch chick flicks with your girl friends and pillow fight in your underwear.
♥ ♥ ♥
I am such a loser, I made this to match my layout HAHA.