
Jul 21, 2013 16:37

Oh you guys. It's gotten to the point where I have to consult my calendar to figure out what to write in here, both because I'm so much busier than I used to be and also because I only update once a month now apparently.

o1.) I am balls-deep in wedding season, I have one every single weekend (I had a fucking RARE Saturday off last weekend and it was GLORIOUS) and sometimes even two. That is the worst; I had a 7 hour on Friday and then a 9.5 hour yesterday. My first set of back-to-back weddings this summer fucked up my feet to an unheard of degree, I need to see a podiatrist because this is not normal. Anyway, so those tie up my weekends and then post-processing ties up my weekdays. We had the Minnesota Bride awards the other week, it was pretty much the biggest perk of my job to date (half the time, I get the same food guests do at weddings and that's the only other perk. You know, besides witnessing the occasional supreme love and beauty that actually makes me cry on the job). We met at a bridal shop for a pre-party because our company is like BFF with them, and all their employees were my age and adorable and fun and I wish I worked there instead but understand I wouldn't get to be creative so I'd probably die IDK. But it was fun, look:

1: Those Marilyns on the wall, I DIED OKAY. 2: See look at all the adorable girls from the bridal shop. 3: Look at all the people in that cool-ass venue. The words on the back wall say "The world is yours"! 4: Champagne and red velvet cupcakes!

1: Me and Sue, I love shooting with her, we have so much fun. Also, my shoes. 2: FUCKING LIKE, TURTLE CHEESECAKE.

o2.) I locked in that second dance team documentary for next year, I met with their coach and she is lovely. I also got booked for head shots for my other team, and I may possibly be designing their media guide as well but that's a ways out. I also got a RANDOM inquiry for shooting two dance performances in San Diego next year? I have no idea where it came from and it wasn't a super personal email so I'm not sure about it but if it's legit that would be fun.

o3.) I teamed up with that photographer I bought a lens from, Barry, for a boudoir shoot. It was really fun but I need to talk to him about being more sensitive. Like the images are great and he is really great with light but I'm not sure I want to work with him for boudoir. It's like he doesn't get that there are topless women in the room who might not want you in their face as much. Anyway. I would love to show you some images but we promised we wouldn't until the model signed off on them. Then I will! After the shoot, he also gave me a lens, an 85mm 1.8 because "after seeing the wedding trailer you did for my daughter, I realized you were grossly underpaid." I thought that was super fucking classy. Here is the aforementioned trailer, I am behind on their full edit so I'm kind of freaking out, but:

o4.) Jason and I started ballroom dance lessons! We've had three lessons, they're not like weekly or whatever, it's kind of inconsistent because I'm trading head shots for lessons and both the instructor and I have random schedules and have to prioritize work that actually pays us teh monies. But it's fun! We've started Salsa, Cha-Cha, and Swing. I get frustrated because Jason holds us up a lot of the time. I don't get mad because I know dancing comes easy to me but it just really frustrates me because it's to the point where I haven't really learned anything new, and when I have, it's taken me less than 5 minutes to get it down - we are still that basic. But it's a good activity for us. I'm upset that our instructor, my friend Rhett, is moving to Nashville in October and it's just a bummer because he's really cool. All my friends leave. Where's my violin.

o5. I did the Color Run last weekend! Our cousins were supposed to come with me and my sister, but they suddenly had a wedding out of state? It was total bullshit. So we each got a friend to go in their place. We did not run, LOL, but I brought the Go Pro and I fucking love the Color Run, okay, I recommend it to EVERYONE.

I signed up for a yoga triathlon next weekend, it's like an hour of sculpt yoga, some walking/running, and then hot yoga. I miss being in shape, I know I'm not overweight but some of my most adorable clothes don't fit anymore and I just feel gross. I used to be so toned from dance and I am just lacking the motivation at the moment, I just feel so busy and I know it's not an excuse but damn.

I have like three other updates to make, hold tight. I feel like I end every entry by saying that nobody is here anymore. I am probably contributing to the problem but it's not as fun to update when I feel like I'm blogging to an empty room.

my videography, work - weddings, picture, video talk, liss gets a sweet present, photography talk, me, boy - j

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