oh, hello.

Apr 02, 2013 15:55

I've been absent, obviously. I think I mainly feel like no one is here like they used to be so it's less fun to update. It's been starting to bother me, though - I've been used to being able to come on here and look up pretty much any detail and lately I haven't had that. Then, the less I update, the more I feel like I need to get caught up on and it's so intimidating that I just don't.

I finished the dance team video. I dropped it off to one of the coaches, she loved it so much and then later I got a text from the other coach - "I just watched it and um, you're a fucking genius." It was my favorite because she tends to be pretty p.c., so that was srs. I am really proud of it and it was so strange/wonderful to edit using all of my own footage. I have obviously pretty much stopped fandom!editing, mostly because I'm not consumed by and passionate enough about pretty much anything ever since House ruined me, but this was amazing to do and it felt like home. It was stressful because I actually had a deadline for once, but it all pulled together. This is my favorite section:

You can watch the whole thing [[ HERE ]]. There's a media company literally two blocks from our apartment, so Jas and I walked over there to meet with them last week. They're currently printing copies for all of the girls, with cover art and DVD labels and shrink wrap. I am so excited to actually hold one in my hands, this is like the first thing I've done entirely by myself. This is the packaging I designed:

So I'm still pretty excited about all of that. I also designed a summer brochure for a dance studio, she liked it so much she asked me to redo and maintain her website. It needs A LOT of help, tbh, so I'm really excited to just go in and start from scratch. When I went to meet with her about it, she was like, "Aren't you just so excited that I'm going to keep you busy for the rest of your life?!" And that made me so happy because I have wanted to redo this website and be her go-to media person for years. SO I am happy to report that I've landed my first Ideal Client. We talked about more future design work, photographing her recitals, maybe making choreography videos for her girls, etc. And she is super easy to work with - she trusts me totally and doesn't ever fight me on money or how much things cost. I love her.

The first wedding I have on the schedule for this year is the first week of May, and then I have one almost every weekend. I also booked one of my own in July. I'm not really looking forward to working for someone else, she stresses me out greatly and I'm thinking this is going to be my last season with her. She has me booked for a wedding in October, and they just announced the date for our local SlutWalk (that I'd already volunteered to shoot) and it falls on that date. I need to tell her that I can't shoot anymore that day but I'm dreading the lecture. I know I made a commitment to her but I hate how she books me for the entire fucking year - shit comes up. She constantly compares me to "the other girls" ("the other girls let me know right away if they're available" the time that I literally took 18 hours to respond to an email - 18 HOURS) and I'm sorry but they're in their late 40's, they're settled and they have their lives figured out. I am 24 fucking years old. I don't even know where I want to live next year. And the SlutWalk is much closer to what I'd like to do with my life. I'm just dreading her drama and guilt trip even though she has six months to figure it out. She is so controlling and she loves to make stress for herself.

I haven't done much photography lately and I'm actually okay with that, even though design work gives me TMJ.

Will update about personal stuff shortly because otherwise it'd be tl;dr.
I still hate this new update page layout.

work - weddings, my photography, work, picture, dance, work - design, media - video, work - film, editing talk

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