pedicures and fighting with men in suits

Aug 25, 2012 14:25

I HAVE A NEW SYSTEM, WE WILL SEE IF IT WORKS - I decided that the time from when I wake up to the time that Jason comes home for lunch will be blogging/personal photo time. Then from the time he leaves until 5pm will be work time - color correcting, redoing my website, finally getting a logo (you'd think it'd be easy for me but I actually have a really hard time with logos, I am not good at them), picking colors and branding myself etc. But nao it's the weekend so none of that matters. I just wanted to tell you.

→ I went and got pedicures with my grandma. It was so cute, I texted her asking if she wanted to and she said yes. I invited my cousin, who brought her sister, and all four of us went. My grandma didn't even get one because she's embarrassed of her feet (I've had a pedicure with her before so I thought she was cool with it, but that was in her impulsive stage lol), and she still took us. I told her I felt bad she wasn't getting one and she was like, "No - *gestures to us* how neat is this for a grandma?" ♥ ♥ She kept coming over to talk to each of us, she's so sweet I can't even. P.S. you can follow her on Twitter. We went back to her house, where I tried to pay her for my pedicure since it was my idea and I just got paid. Like I would have gotten a pedicure anyway, you know? I budgeted for that. She was not having any of it, she's just like her mother, "Alyssa. No. Alyssa, I would be offended, okay." l;kadjsflk;aj and she was serious. We went to my mom's bf's bar for dinner, and then she sent me a text at like 10:30 - "I really enjoyed spending quality time with u today. Thanx. I love you so much Liss!!" ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

→ Jason and I had a rough week. It was the first time he's ever actually been a dick to me. First, there was this fight, where he asked if I was going to be mad at him all weekend, I said no, just until he apologized, and then he was all, "OH, so all weekend then." We got over it, but then that following week, he came home for lunch one day - I was playing video games when he walked in and I was having a hard time, so I was sort of cursing to myself. And he yelled from the kitchen, "Honey? This is not the relaxing lunch hour I had in mind." Which is fair, to a degree, but his tone was dickish and not at all like him. And I've told him time and time again that me being a passionate person isn't always going to be "good passion" or passion about things he likes. Though that's one of the things he loves most about me, he needs to take the good with the bad.

THEN, we were playing video games some night, we'd had a couple of drinks and we were playing cooperative mode. He kept playing a level we didn't have to beat, and kept dying really stupid deaths on it so I told him to play the levels we need to play so we can get to a save point and not have to repeat these past 10. Like it was pretty fucking logical because I knew he would just go to bed when we got a game over and I'd be stuck doing it alone and I couldn't do half of them myself. LOL all of this sounds so stupid reading it back but really, I was irritated. "Wow - you can make anything unfun, can't you," he says, and he was dead serious. What the fuck, "anything"? Like, do you frequently have this thought? What else do I make "unfun" and why the fuck are you even with me, then. And you know, if my ex Randy had said that to me, it'd roll right off, I'd retaliate and it'd be fine but that coming from Jason was really, really hurtful. Because it's Jason, and he is never, EVER mean or disrespectful. I started crying because I didn't know what to make of it. He felt really bad. When I woke up, he'd left a note on my computer about how sorry he was and how "all my time with you is fun, precious, and never enough." It was just awful, and he continues to be really sensitive. I know I need to take my own advice and accept that the same sensitivity that allows him to be so kind and artistic and in tune to me is the same sensitivity that hurts his feelings when I jokingly call him an asshole even though he knows I don't mean it.

Like we were play!fighting over something, like wrestling for a piece of paper or something stupid, and I called him an ass even though I was blatantly NOT SERIOUS and we were laughing. He says it bothers him, even when I joke, and he thinks it goes back to his (FUCKING AWFUL) mother because she's really harsh and says mean shit to him. And you know, I'd be understanding if it wasn't so hypocritical - when he met me, he had some habits that really scared me (like needing sleeping pills and taking shots of vodka to sleep at night) because they reminded me of my dad. And he was all, "I'm not your dad, it's not fair to judge me based on his mistakes, etc etc." Well, I'm not your mom, either.

→ I think he was just really stressed with work, which he admitted to, and to unfairly taking it out on me. He had to present his new software designs to their board of directors in Chicago this past Wednesday. We went ~suit shopping~ that Monday night, and everything there was BOGO so he got TWO suits!1 that he looked super great in, and bright blue and purple shirts - I love that he gravitated toward color because I love it when guys wear vibrant colors. The salesman picked out a pair of shoes and when he pulled them out of the box, Jason mouthed "NO." to me, but they ended up looking damn awesome and he bought them lol. He was only gone for 24 hours, when he got home I took him out to dinner in his new suit. Our waitress pissed me off - she asked for his ID and he was like, "But I'm wearing a suit! LOL" And she was like, "That proves nothing!" So he got it out for her and said, "I'm just proud of my new suit." And instead of saying something nice, she just says - seriously - "Now all you need is a haircut." And it broke my heart because he was so sweet and kind and proud of how good he looked and she didn't acknowledge it at all, just knocked it. If it were one of her friends, fine, but it was her customer. And I love his hair. So on the "Tip:" line of the check I wrote "Get a haircut." Because she was a fucking bitch and I don't give a fuck if servers ~make minimum wage~, if they are dicks, they don't get tips.

→ I have been watching Teen Mom for pretty much the past three days lol. And can we talk about SYTYCD?! The Mia Michaels episode?! HELLO. NEW STAPLE OF MY ARTISTIC WORK DAY. I am so in love with her and everything she stands for. Also, Travis Wall, I cannot even with Travis Wall. I am so butthurt they sent Amelia home, she was my favorite, and just so they could keep Witney 2.0, The Less Hot Version? Are you kidding me?

rl - dining out, family - the honey, people fucking suck, star - mia michaels, dating & relationships, tv - other tv, boy - j, tv - sytycd

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