I left work at noon today. I can't believe they asked me to come in, tbh. Well I CAN but I could have told them that I would have had NOTHING TO DO ANYWAY because all of the other admins and brokers got to sleep in. Lame. There was shit I COULD have done but let's be honest here, no. I spent part of the morning stuffing our ~carnival boxes~ with Angela and our new high school intern. I spent the rest of my morning reading
io9 and
Clients from Hell. I feel like I have already met half of these people and I'm only 23 years old.
I got a call yesterday from Dani, I met her at last year's local film fest, and she was wondering if I'd like to come shoot an event they're having this year - it's in conjunction with some themed documentary they're showing, I wasn't really clear on it BUT the point is, kids come dressed up as superheroes and there's like, a photo stand/booth where they can have their picture taken and then they can go home and download their picture and she was wondering if I'd like to shoot it. Oh my god I'm already dying, you guys. Also, Anton Yelchin is going to be there and I love him ever since House of D, he did such a brilliant job and he stuns me even still every time I watch it. So I hope I get to shoot his intro/Q&A too, or at the very least I'll go see it. Also, Pete at work, he's totally in love with pictures I took of his warehouse (seriously, he talks about it all the time lol) and he stopped by my desk and asked if I shoot office buildings as well. "Yeah!" Well what kind? "I did an eye clinic and a doctor's office for Steve down there!" and he was like, "OH! Okay, GREAT! I just wasn't sure if the lighting was too different, I don't know." IT WAS KIND OF ADORABLE. Yes the lighting is different, but. So that's coming up too. I love it. I love it so much. I bought a new flash that I've yet to play with, even. Also I really want a macro lens kladhsf.
There was some drama Wednesday (also I was sick, I didn't go to work and what the fuck, I think it was food poisoning but we didn't even go anywhere! We had french fries and a frozen pizza! lame) - my mom and grandma came for dinner and my mom got a text from her best friend she's fallen kind of out of touch with, saying she was suicidal and there were pills on her nightstand and could we please meet her for a drink. She's got 8-year old twins (who I used to babysit, even) and the boy is so out of control and he's already been on Prozac for like two years, I think, and he's got all of this shit and they don't even know what's wrong with him. He's "a little OCD", he's "a little oppositional defiant disorder", he's "a little bipolar", god it'd drive me nuts hearing that shit. And he like, locks himself in cars and runs away and says he wouldn't care if he died and I can't even imagine what it must be like, as a mother, to go through that. And she finally lost it because her boyfriend of 5(?) years basically said he can't take it anymore and he wants them to move out. I can't really blame him because it's not even his kid but at the same time I think it's insensitive and shitty. I don't even know. We had fun though, we picked her up and went to a bar and she is a riot, you guys. I can't even remember all the funny shit she said but my stomach hurt from laughing. I think my favorite was when she stopped some random bar patron on his way out and said, "HAVE A BLESSED NIGHT." I had my push-up martinis and grape apes and shit and then I really, really fucking just wanted bread so we ordered a basket of bread and butter. lol. I don't even know.
I've been trying to work on my website but I feel like I can't do that because my room and computer are a mess (I NEED A NEW COMPUTER SO BAD IT'S NOT EVEN FUCKING FUNNY). It's bullshit, I know, but it's like a legit detriment. I have zero plans this weekend so that is wonderful for a change. I HAD SUCH A GLORIOUS NAP THIS AFTERNOON. Also my dreams have been strange. ALSO AGAIN, I've started training myself for lucid dreaming, I mark up my hand and then every time I see the star, I stop and perform a ~reality check~, "is this real right now? How do you know?" etc. I hope it works because I'd like to get all my ya-ya's out while still maintaining control of my life. Win-win.