I found the missing shark dolphin toy of the cats. The dog had a bigger dolphin toy which is my old one from childhood. But the cats have like a mini version of one and they used to love it then it went into hiding for past few months. Kept having a look every so often was bit limited with my back problems but made more of an effort as I had a feeling where it was and I was right- under the cabinet in dining room which is fine it wasn’t too far back, was just behind the adaption socket thing so didn’t have to stretch too far under. Was just very hairy so wiped all the dust and fur off in bin and gave it to salem as harvey took a run and dive out the cat flap with it being rubbish weather. Which is why salem is still indoors and bored (driving his momma crazy!) The subject pic is of him trying to get another toy missing under the same cabinet but i know about that one it goes under there loads of times.