Feb 20, 2005 16:29
Happy birthday to my mom!
Brown interview was just fine. The guy was really nice. He was also 5 minutes late - and i was there 5 min early. So I got to do some people watching at the bellevue starbucks. I never thought i'd see so many interesting people in bellevue. I was always under the impression they [bellevueites] for the most part - were just cookie cutter rich people ... wrong! There was this one guy - wearing rich clothing, leather jacket, some dorky but expensive looking sun glasses, beard - he asked for 2% milk and the "mildest" sandwich." He failed to take off his glasses ever. This other couple - like.. 30s? Russian looking - more rich clothing. The woman was curvy...with too tight jeans and these pointy toed stilleto boots that she was tottering in. The man was hugely tall and bald. Her voice was waay too high. There was a group of young people - a guy and two girls - just generally preppy. The guy was wearing these bright yellow metro shoes - like cool sneakers, i'd wear! And the green zelda shirt nick has! hehe. Another guy - in his 40s with a totally cute kid with red hair. He sat next to me for like.. 3 minutes, said "good morning," "say hi" (to his kid to tell me), and "bye." Um...
Random. It was fun though. I liked watching. Even if i was getting annoyed to be kept waiting.
Came home. Started packing for Cali! Fantastico! Went to target and B&N (got the alison krauss and union station cd for my mom too) and boxers for me from target. The boxers are so sweet. I have like one pair I wear so yeah. Now I have two. Yay.
I want to go to Chels' thingy tonight but I dont want to ditch my mom and her bday celebrations if we decide to have a nice dinner or something. I dont think they'd let me drive downtown anyways. But they might drive me? I'll see how things turn out!
If not - Chels - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'll see you at Plaza! hehe. Um - we'll plan that? ;)