(no subject)

Dec 31, 2006 17:43

So LJ has changed a bit since the last time I made a LJ cut.  Anyway, I'm updating!  I didn't think I ever would again because I've found it's not worth my time to take the time to update.  What the hey though...I'm giving it another shot.

I have however, been an avid 'LJ friends' reader, so don't think I don't still know about your lives. :)

This year has had a pretty big impact on me.  But since I haven't updated in half a year, I figured I'd dig deep into my LJ archives, find the survey I took at the end of 2005, and use it again...except for 2006 this time.  Duh.

2006 in a Nutshell
Made your biggest mistake yet? No, I don't believe I have, although I hope there's not too big of a mistake out there for me in the future.

Got drunk? Yeah, great times.

Got high? Nope and still proud of it.

Fell in love? I'd like to think so, although he won't admit it in public.  Haha.

Had a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yep.

Had more then 5? Hahah no. Just one. On most of the time, off for the month of September.

Liked someone enough to be in love? Well, yes.

Passed out in public? If "public" could mean my dorm room with Megan before a football game.  Good lord, I made it to the game in enough time to see part of the fourth quarter, and I'm pretty sure I wasn't awake the entire time we were in my dorm.  If I was, however, I have no recollection.

Gotten into a fight? I've been angry a few times at myself and my relationships with friends.  Kind of a personal, internal fight, I suppose...that's leaked a few times.  Overall though, nothing's been too dramatic.  And no physical fights, yay.

Went to the hospital? No, thankfully.

Broken any bones? No, if I did, I probably would have gone to the hospital sometime this year.

Played hard to get? HA. Not really.

Asked someone out? Not really, it was a mutual decision?

Discovered a new band? Yeah, I love finding new music.

Been somewhere you've never been? Yeah, I went to Trevor's school for the first time a couple months ago.  I think 2006 was the year I went to Asheville for the first time.

Kissed someone? too many. :x

Made out with someone? Yes.

Had sex with someone? Wouldn't that be a fun fact to know.

Hosted a party? No...disappointing, really.

Been to a party? For sure.

Met someone new? Yeah!  I'm living with one of them next year. :)

Had a crush on someone you never did? Negative.

Had any life altering experiences? I've learned a lot this year, most definitely.  I've had two people in my life die, one that wanted to, one question his or her sexuality, a roommate/friend that I've suddenly lost every connection with, etc.  I've also never had to handle so much stress in my life.  I don't care if I sound like a pansy, I never had to deal with stress like that before...ever, and it was really hard especially since I know it's not going to get any better.

Been envious of a friend? Yeah, of course.  No one is completely happy with themselves.

Thought of killing someone? I can't say I have.

Gotten ridiculed? Yeah, it happens way too often for my liking.

Hid a secret from someone? Yeah, and I'm not proud of it.

Told someone another person's secret? No, although I've wanted to so many times.  I've always refrained, and that's pretty great.

Broken up with someone? Yeah, only to get back together a few weeks later.  I can't complain though. :)

Got dumped? No, I'm always the dumper.  Isn't that awful?

Drove a car? Yeah, a few different cars.

Almost lost your life? I got in my first car accident in April, but it wasn't life threatening.  So, technically...no.

Tried to commit suicide? I like my answer from last year: "No, I prefer to be alive."

Witnessed a crime?  Yeah...but it's a college thing.

Been in court? No, yay!

Met someone famous? CARBON LEAF!

Became embarassed to the point where you cried?  Yeah, let's not talk about my lack of self esteem.  I'm working on it!

Gotten mad over something stupid?  Yep, it happens.  What can you do?

Peed your pants? No, but Daniel did at his 8th birthday party.  It's a great story; ask him about it sometime.

So there you have it, a nutshell of a year.  What else happened?  I learned how to climb and boulder.  Trevor got into MIT and State.  He's waiting on the others.  Alyssa decided to move out of our dorm.  One of the greatest nights of my life involved Justin, Daniel, and me on my deck on an awesome summer night.  Dave and I became so close it could be considered creepy by some.  I met some incredible internationals and have continued to miss them since they left.  I went to a CLUB for the first time AND got kicked out!  Hahah.  I learned how to DRAW.  I've never been able to draw, but I learned how to draw this past semester.  I learned how to take (some) criticism.  Bob Barker announced he is retiring next year, and this means my dreams of being on the set of the Price Is Right have been pretty much crushed.  I began watching football a lot more.  I got hooked on 24.  I went on the Blue Ridge Parkway for the first time ever.  I became a working college student and got a job as a waitress.  I learned how to take advantage of Boone's bus system.

A girl I played frisbee with over the summer in Asheville died on December 23rd after being hit by a car while she was riding her bike.  She was my age, a sophomore at Duke, and an incredibly nice girl.  I only met her this summer, but I cried when I found out what happened to her.  She was just heading home from a bike ride; she didn't want to die.  ...It really hit me hard.  I'm really going to miss seeing her at tournaments and playing with her on the Teddy Bears of Doom. 
Goodbye, Claire Crowley.

A lot of things have happened.  I don't regret any of it because I made choices, and I dealt with what was handed to me.  Why should I not miss 2006?  It's been a year of growing and maturing, just as every year has no matter how many new years one has experienced.  I'm no where near being happy with who I am, how I live my life, or how the world turns, but I can easily say I am so grateful to be around to see another year go by.

Until 2007 (beginning, middle, end...who knows when I'll update next),
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