Ahhhh....we're there

Jul 17, 2010 20:49

I have internet connection, but not enough to really upload pictures. So I get text only entries for awhile, until I can get photobucket to behave itself.

However, we're here! Crossed the border at lunchtime, dodged the bear in the road on the way in, and got in to camp in the early afternoon. Darted into town for groceries, and we were back in time to get on the water and catch more than enough fish for dinner. Eric caught a northern that was 30some inches, which was in the protected slot. Too big, had to throw it back so it could make babies for us for the next trip. Heck of a fight, though.

Now, I'm listening to the loons outside, getting ready to roll up a D&D character so we can play one of these evenings.

Life is good.

I think I'll go have some fish goop and crackers. (Leftover fried northern pike, mushed up with cocktail sauce. Surprisingly good.)
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