(no subject)

Nov 09, 2004 20:52

last cigarette: never
last good cry: yesterday
last library book checked out: something on british plays
last movie seen: i kind of forgot already
last book read: Wicked
last cuss word uttered: damn
last beverage drank: Water
last food consumed: an apple
last crush: dice
last phone call: dice... all 30 seconds of it
last tv show watched: Sabrina the teenage witch
last time showered: An hour ago
last shoes worn: my tenis shoes
last cd played: Wicked
last item bought: a shirt i believe... or books
last downloaded: the itunes free single of the week
last annoyance: my mom
last disappointment: that dice was eating when i called and had to go.... and is now idle from the computor
last soda drank: coke
last thing written: "adonde fuiste"
last key used: "
last word spoken: yup
last sleep: the car ride to school
last im: dice
last sexual fantasy: you don't want to know... trust me.
last weird encounter: uh... iunno. weird is a very vague term with me... not too much is weird.
last ice cream eaten: vanilla i think
last time amused: 3rd period
last time wanting to die: about 2 days ago
last time in love: Right now
last time hugged: krista 4th period
last time scolded: today after school
last time resentful: earlier today
last chair sat in: the dining room chair i always use for the computor
last lipstick used: whatever was in my bag last friday when i went to get all spiffied up for my part in madwoman
last underwear worn: creamish looking ones from victorias secret
last bra worn: the cream one with all the annoying lace but that is tre sexy ( ;-p )
last shirt worn: one of my many black tees from hot topic
last time dancing: making fun of scotty in spanish (haha, can so dance better than him)
last poster looked at: the faerie on on my door that dice bought me
last show attended: evanescence/seether/breaking benjamin/3 days grace
last webpage visited: www.simons-rock.edu
1 MINUTE AGO: started this survey
1 HOUR AGO: In the shower/bath
1 DAY AGO: i told someone i loved them
1 WEEK AGO: i bought a new outfit at hot topic
1 YEAR AGO: i was worried about failing english
I HURT: my foot on one of Candy's chewys
I LOVE: dice
I HATE: phillip glass
I FEAR: what dreams may come
I HOPE: I see dice this weekend
I FEEL: weary
I HIDE: My feelings
I DRIVE: myself insane with my pointless thoughts
I MISS: dice
I LEARNED: happiness is fleeting
I NEED: to talk to dice
I THINK: Too much
current clothes: *cough* uh.... well... none actually
current mood: wondering
current music: None
current taste: apple
current hair: wet, down, and needing to be brushed but looking good despite that
current annoyance: this little thing called distance
current smell: my conditioner... i just took a shower for the love of taking a shower... then went back like 20 minutes later and took a bath. lol. i'm so weird.
current thing i should be doing: telling dice i love him
current desktop picture: one of dice's animation stills
current refreshment: water
current worry: what if i can't hide the pain any longer..
1. What do you most like about your body? My eyes or my hair
2. And least? My stomach. lol. i've been slacking on my yoga and i miss TIP. i love that there is no driving, you walk everywhere and it's all mountainous. Utah is awesome like that too.
3. How many fillings do you have? 1, but i might be getting another one, i go to the dentists after school tomorrow
4. Do you think you're good looking? sometimes, i'm pretty average
5. Do other people often tell you that you're good looking? lots of people tell me i'm pretty and just about everyone says they absolutely love my hair
6. Do you look like any celebrities? um.... not that i know of. someone told my mom and i we both looked like the grungy chick from the breakfast club or stalkard channing.... but i don't see it so i don't believe it.
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