Title: The Brotherhood Of Boys Without Girlfriends In Bands With Boys Who Are Practically Married
lissa_bearRaing: PG13 (Dude, I swear, one day I will write something porny in this fandom.)
Band/Pairing: Panic (Brendon/Eric Ronick)
Disclaimer: This is fake. So, so fake. Not real at all.
Summary: He just gets a little sick of the constant
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I haven't even read this yet and I LOVE YOU. I was just texting why_me_why_not the other night that Eric needed more love, and CLEARLY he and Brendon need some quality time together. Esp. given the pics of backstage in SF. So. Yes.
*off to read*
Dude, and what about the hug at the end of SNL? So cute.
Seriously. More Brendon/Eric. Yes. Like, in the video of them doing Mad As Rabbits in the studio? Eric in shirts with no sleeves? I have this little daydream whenever I see it, and imagine that Bden asks why he always wears them (not that he minds, b/c well-defined biceps are pretty) and that leads to further... discussion. Y/Y?
Hah! Y! MFY!!! And then there's piano porn.
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