So my still life is getting towards the home stretch, I think I botched part of it, but they won't see what my source was anyways. Thank god. I also have to keep reminding myself that if there is a mistake in it, it's there for the reason that I'm applying to go to art college. It's there because I need to learn. I just keep telling myself that and resist the urge to erase for the 30th time. It's not working too well, I have to physically leave the room for a bit or I'll rip up the drawing and start over again, which I don't have the time for, and I don't REALLY want to do. I have things I want to do with my time besides sit there and draw the same damn set of objects.
Anyways, I saw V on Friday night. It was alot better than I had been expecting. I had been expecting something like League of Extrordinary Gentlemen (which is vaguely entertaining, pretty fluff but nothing as good as the source material). Instead the film followed the plot of the comic more or less, they changed a few major details and killed all the subplots. But in the end, they kept the essence of the thing, which was better in the long run. I still miss the Vicious Cabaret song and the original broadcast speech, hell, I miss most of V's dramatic monologues. Nothing can beat V's farewell speech to Lady Justice. Evey's actions bugged me vaguely, so different from the comic version she was almost unrecognizable.
But on an unhappy note - can the Brothers Wachowski do ANYTHING without bullet time!? Just once? please?
Anyway, moving on. That evening I also went to a midnight showing of Pink Floyd The Wall. I had seen once when I was fourteen, younger, stupider, and I'm inclined to be dramatic and say I wasn't even really the same person then. It blew my tiny little naive mind. I didn't understand half of what I saw and I loved it.
Now I'm older and understand alittle better, and I still love it. The marching hammers still amaze me, the Good Bye Blue skies sequence is so damn awesome. I wish I could have gotten an oppurtunity to see the beast in concert, but thats a silly wish that I'm not going to dwell on. I went with two friends of mine who hadn't seen it before or really sat down and listened to the album, so I got to see their horrified faces at the appropriate times. They seemed to enjoy themselves though, so I'm glad I hadn't drug them to the theater only to bore them.
After the show when everyone was dazedly walking to their cars and my friend was still trying to get the whole facist thing. I saw some guy with his kid brother who couldn't have been more than 12 years old. The kid was waving his arms and demanding of his brother "What was that? That didn't make any sense!" I laugh fondly remembering my first reaction to it. I also cringe cause that guy has got ALOT of explaining to do to that kid.
And since The Wall is even more cryptic as Sadako's tape in The Ring there are websites devoted entirely to explain it.
Here's one for the inquiring minds out there.