State of the Lissa

May 15, 2010 12:59

Stuff goes, and I'm pretty happy. I posted a couple posts on identity over at aldersprig: "I am," which is general musing both on who I see myself as and who I want to me, and On kitties, and me, and the intersection of such, which is about what it sounds like.

(I'm suffering a little platform disparity, blogging both here and at aldersprig, as me and as Lyn. I'm not sure yet how to resolve this issue, or if it needs resolving).

Weight loss continues apace! I'm now at 40% of my smaller goal and 34% of my larger goal, or, to put it more concretely, I weigh less than I did when Sam & I married nearly-8-years ago! mom & I went shopping yesterday, and I am now a size down in pants (well, shorts & capris, it's summer), and a size down in some shirts (that's trickier). Yay!

I keep writing. This month & next, I'm working not just on the serial projects, but on short stories. I'm going to bite the bullet & start submitting things for publication, either pseudonymousy or in my given name. Wish me luck!

It's getting nicer; we're gardening, we're hiking, and we're enjoying the nice when it comes. Nearly craft fest time!

resolution, ithaca, how i think, losing weight, garden, who-am-i?, weightloss, clothes, self-worth, writing, weekend

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