More Swap Stuff

Sep 10, 2007 17:10

Fall into Autumn Dischcloth Swap Topic of the Week

A warning: there's a reason my father used to call me Sister Loquacious.(*) There is no such thing as a short answer, or an easy answer.

The question:
Now that the weather is starting to turn cooler, do you change the type of yarn(s) you knit with? If so, what do you now knit with instead and why? If not, why do you not switch and what do you knit with?

The answer:
I knit with cotton. I've experimented with acrylic (couldn't stand it), tactel (liked it), and wool (can't get near the stuff - if I don't have an allergy, I have a serious sensitivity), and would like to experiment with linen, hemp, silk, bamboo, and some of the weirder synthetics, but there are so many good cottons out there that I could keep myself happy with new cottons for quite a while, too. Since I knit almost entirely with cotton, that really doesn't change seasonally.

That being said, while I don't change fibers with the seasons, I'm finding that, as summer winds down, I'm simply knitting more. Summertime & November-December are our busiest times - Summer with going to craft fests, and this sort of cram-all-the-outdoors-you-can-in feeling; November-December with holiday shopping (yeah, for both of us. He actually likes gift-giving & buying - isn't that neat?) - I don't craft much in the summer, and what crafting I do in the winter(**) is for gifting. Autumn and early Spring, when it's simply nice to be home and quiet, are good times for knitting.

Hey, that turned out shorter than I anticipated... but now I feel the need to add an addendum: I really don't knit that much, not in comparison to a lot of knitting bloggers I've been reading. I knit slowly, and only a few hours a week... so there really isn't all that much knitting in which to find trends.

(*) A nickname he also used to describe his mother (yeah, that's a little creepy). He could also call himself Brother Verbose - the trait runs in the family.

(**)Up to this year, that was sewing, macramé, and a few random things like paper-bead-making

knitting, swap, question, craft

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