Interview Meme - the beginning of O.Jeremy's questions for me

May 02, 2006 16:47

The first 4.5 questions from thecamoninja to me

1. I liked your question number one, now it's your turn. (pardon me if you've been asked already, i don't always read every cut) and yes, both of them
1)If you had a chance to be any one of your characters, ever, which would it be, and why?
1b) if you could interact with any character a friend has played, who and why?

1. This one's hard. If I hadn't written Sarabeth into such a sad ending, well, she's the closest to someone I'd love being forever. She had a carefree life with just enough anchor to keep from going crazy, was independent, and she had a giant house with a lot of books. Oh, and wings.
Lita, any of the vampires, no, not really. Ditto the Garou. Chapman wouldn't be bad, the kinfolk lawyer, but she was always a little too scared of being dragged back into the Garou mess of things. That leaves me Changelings... or... whee! Tekenna ni Istvia ... my Cali avatar. 'Though Nivienne, or Tekenna's daughter (in one version of the story) Sorscha.

and b....
excluding the Cali and other one-on-one stuff, which was pretty much custom-made....
it would be a toss-up between Diego de la Vega, the troll Sam played (probably just 'cause I'm rather fond of Sam)... or, honestly... Ian. There were a couple other Rev characters I loved a lot (Zack, for one, of course), but I think Ian was still my favorite. *sigh*

2. What one change in the past do you think would make you happier? Why?

I'm not sure. I try hard to live without regrets, to accept everything that happens as a learning opportunity, if nothing else, and good things have often come out of things that hurt at the time.

After some thought, I can't think of an event or change that would make me happier. Mm. One, but it's an event in someone else's life and, even then, the consequences are too convoluted for me to say, certainly, that I'd be happier.

3. If you were suddenly stuck in a situation where you found you no longer had emotions, do you think you'd still keep the same company you do?

I think I'd go crazy!
In general... love, affection, neediness, and a sense of loyalty mean that I put up with things from some friendpeople that I wouldn't from ordinary people. But I think many of my friends would remain the same.

As for Sam... I think I'd still be with him.

Last two questions are connected.
4) Standard role player question. In the WoD what would you be? how about me?
5) given these conditions, do you think we'd still get along? How about your other friends and what you think they'd be?

There's at least two sets of answers to this question.

For example, I used to knee-jerk "Toreador." Then, for a while, "Child of Gaia Kinfolk," then "Verbena." Sometimes "satyr, though I prefer the eshu."

If we sidestep us into the World of Darkness, and assume that we've been there all along and we've ended up supernatural...

I think I might end up Gangrel, possibly that same Verbena, or a late-blooming satyr. I'm not a garou but, if I were, Unicorn might choose me for my compassion, or Stag for my fire. Sabbat embrace would put me at any one of the clans, but my favorite self game in that ended with me low-gen Lasombra, so we'll go with that. The closest fit? Verbena.

You - ("you" in this case is Jeremy) - I could see as ... hrmm. This gets coloured by what you've played, you know. Brujah, possibly. I can't put a taste on the 'magic" flavour enough to guess a Mage Tradition for you. Changeling comes out - not pookah, but possibly redcap or satyr. Groo would be Fenrir or Fianna, and Sabbat would put you on Path of Power & the Inner Voice. Of all those - the closest fit in my mind... today, it tastes like redcap. Not sure why.

I think I want reactions to something I've posted in this meme before I give you more questions, Digaaz. :-)

interview meme

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