Mary, Mary, Quite contrary...

Jun 12, 2005 15:45

Mary Mary quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockle shells
And pretty maids all in a row.

Some six weeks after we begun, our garden is all in, and I am very happy! We went out in the rain today (better than the burning sun of yesterday, at least) and picked up some plants for the last 3 feet of the garden, as we inexplicably had room left over at the end of our planogram ;-)

So, Lissa, what are you growing in your garden?

Peppers, peppers, and, well, um... peppers!

Actually, we're growing...

(from left to right:)
6 small "Super Chili" hybrid chili plants

Curled Parsley, Petroselinum crispum (front)
Celery, Giant Pascal (maybe; back)(weren't we going to put Italian Parsley here?)

Chocolate mint, mentha x piperita piperita(front)
Curly Mint, Mentha spicata crispa (back)

Thyme, Thymus Citriodorus, "Archer's Gold (back)
Rosemary (front)

Turnip Greens, "Seven Top"

Beets, "Early Wonder"

Pepper, "Sweet Banana/Sweet Hungarian"

Pepper, "Garden Salsa," Capsicum annuum

Pepper, "Blushing Beauty," Capsicum annuum

Pepper, "California Wonder," Capsicum annuum

Pepper, "Red Beauty," Capsicum annuum

Pepper, "Red/Green Bell," Capsicum annuum

Tomato, "Cupid Grape," Lycopersion esculentum

Tomato, Roma.

( Sun-dried tomatoes, maybe...?

In the smallish square planter, Cowpea, "Pinkeye Purple Hull"

In the longish planter in front:
Lettuce, Red Salad Bowl
Salad Greens/Mesclun
& Spinach, "Bloomsdale"
(all mixed up together in a salad mix)


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