The rest of Fanboy's Questions

Sep 01, 2004 12:39

4) When it comes time for you to raise children, what improvements will you make compared to your own upbringing?

I'll either not have any kids (current plan), or I'll have two or three. Being an only child leads to issues.
(My dad reads this journal, you know. This isn't a real fair question).

I'll deal with my own issues, and any issues I might have with Dragon, before I go about making babies. If this means two years of therapy and/or medication, so be it.

I'll try hard to balance between being strict about schoolwork and being unreasonable. If my kids are bringing home less-than-A's, I won't guilt them and pester them into feeling like shit about them, I'll try to figure out why they're not getting A's.

Speaking of guilt, I'd do my damndest not to use it as a tool at all.

5) If Write the Dark doesn't represent your thinking that accurately anymore, what does?
Aldersprig, if we're talking about writing-in-a-public forum.

If we're talking about more privatly, my recent letters to J-O-J are pretty telling.

And if we're not talking about writing, my conversations while walking with the Dragon, and my conversations whilst sprawled with my spider, darling dear, my Sweetie, and Jhericrow have been very very telling. I'm in flux right now, struggling with a number of issues, often during these conversations.

interview meme, personal musing

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