A new sort of Litany

May 25, 2004 19:52

...only begin, having very little to do with Garou... just rules...

Respect the Territory of Another.

This one's a bit tricky, as it can mean a variety of things, from "Keep off the grass" to "realize others walked this path before you." It involves the obvious - don't try to have sex with someone else's significant other, unless you're CERTAIN that their relationship allows for this - and the subtle - accept that your S.O. had friends (probably of both genders) before they became your S.O. Realize that a social circle has an ever-changing membership, and that you are not always the center of that circle.

This also includes the almost-unrelated axiom: A Man's Home is His Castle. When in another person's home (dorm room, apartment, house, shanty), they are sovereign. Treat them with your best Sunday manners, and treat their stuff with at least as much respect as you treat your own stuff.

We Are All Deviants Here

I may be into D/S, but you might being into costuming, or have a thing for feet.
I may be mildly paranoid, but you might be manic-depressive, or have PTSD.
I may be Republican, but you're a feminist.

The gaming community consists, for the most part, or people who are in some manner "deviant." Cut your fellow freaks some slack when it comes to their particular deviations.

This is as far as I've gotten, and I know I'm missing several. Anyone? Thoughts?

personal musing

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