Holiday Update

Jan 05, 2004 20:36

So, this is a little late. Should get this typed before I forget more.

Christmas went as well as could be expected, possibly a little better. My parents were polite and nice and didn't holler about Dragon, and I got, as Duth said, "phat loot." Or something like that. Duth's aunt or cousin also, nicely enough, gave me a sweater, all unawares.

After family early-morning and late-morning, I came home to a turkey dinner, cleverly cooked by my Dragon. E.Mc, Duth, Dihi, Dragon & I, as well as four hungry cats, enjoyed a turkey Christmas dinner. Oddly. I'm used to Christmas brunches, not dinners.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were pleasant except for the last-minute Yule shopping that caused some level of stress (oh, shit! What are we getting Ben?)

After that came year-end at work. 2 1/2 days of trying to get 7 days of work done all at once... rather stressful. Made better by the fact that it was coming soon to an end and New Year's would be soon.

Then came New Year's. I had been debating on the way up (mostly internally) (oh, yes "the way up" - we drove the 6 hours from Rochester to Fairfield, CT for a party at Mally's house, of course. That's where New Year's is) whether I was going to end up bitchy drunk or horney drunk, my usual defaults. Once there, I found (with the help of Mally and Everclear) a whole new sort - a numb drunk where nothing could phase me except my ex-boyfriend cuddling with someone else's girlfriend.

The present-giving was fun and nice as well. People seemed to like my gifts, although I still haven't had a chance to ask Feathers or Crow if they liked. The drinking was also very fun.

The next morning, I drove Everywhere in a three-block radius, more or less, washed a shitton of dishes, then some more, and, eventually, rubbed Mally's feet. Both the dishes and the feet are January 1st rituals, as are the French Toast & lasanga which caused the dishes (some of them) to be made . But most of you know that all already.

After that, we came home late on the 1st... and had three days of mellow, with a Rev tucked in there. All in all, a pleasing holiday two-weeks.
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