Title: Except For When He Is
Author: Elissa
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Pairing: Veronica/Weevil
Rating: PG13
Summary: Weevil is not sexy...except for when he is.
Author's Nots: This is really, really rambly. So if run-on and/or fragment sentences bother you? Don't read it. And also, I'm going to stop writing and go to bed now! No really, I am!
Veronica isn't attracted to Weevil. Not at all. Except that with his shirt off, maybe she is just a little bit. But mostly she's not. Mostly, he's just a big snuggly teddy bear. A snuggly teddy bear with a motorcycle and a posse of hoodlums. Gangster Bear. And now she's picturing Weevil doing the care-bear stare and she's laughing and he's looking at her like she needs a helmet or something and damned if he isn't kind of sexy when he raises his eyebrows like that.
No! Not sexy! Not at all! That's the lack of shirt talking! The rippling chest muscles are distracting her! And the tattoos! And where is Weevil's shirt, anyway? Who mows their lawn without a shirt on? Little blades of grass are sticking to his skin and damned if that isn't hot too. And she's just realized that she never did explain why she was laughing and now he's asking her what's the matter with her and she's just standing there with her mouth open and God, she could kick herself.
"Sorry. Spaced out for a minute there."
"Must be the heat."
He grins and heads for the house and when he reaches the door, he turns to see if she's following, and shit yeah, she's following! Until he puts his shirt back on, and then she's definitely not following! She's here to talk shop! But it doesn't look like he's in any hurry to make decent and she's leaning against the kitchen counter and he's moving closer, saying something that she doesn't really understand because that part of her brain isn't tuned in anymore.
He smells like grass and sweat and that shouldn't be sexy but it is and he knows it. He knows exactly what he's doing. "Dammit Weevil." And he's laughing and then he's not because his lips are otherwise occupied and his teeth are sinking into the skin between her neck and her shoulder and this is a really bad idea. But the shirtlessness! She's only human, after all! And then he's kissing her and she's kissing him back and she's not going to get anything accomplished today, but God that feels good.
She's coming back tomorrow when Weevil isn't sexy and if he even tries to take his shirt off, she's leaving! Really! She is! Because she is not attracted to Weevil! Except for when she is.