Title: A Little Too Close To Home
lissa-ann, lissa
Rating: PG
Pairing: Can be read as Jared/Jensen, but really this is a gen piece
Word Count: 912
Spoilers: 4x21 "When the Levee Breaks"
Disclaimer: I don't know Jared or Jensen, no matter how much I wish I did. This story is a complete work of fiction and no money has been made.
A/N: Just a short
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Comments 2
I luff! I luff so much! Jensen having issues and OH being so concerned and protective of the seizure!girl (you know I put me in there, right? Riiiiight? ^__________^) and being freaked out because he saw Jared in that spot and OH. You have earned so much love from me!
Even more love than before. If that's physically possible/feasible. ^_^
Actually...to be honest...I kinda wrote this with you in mind as the seizure!girl.
I just know I had problems watching that scene, and I can only imagine what it would have been like for the two of them to film with, what with them being so close and all.
Getting good feedback from you always makes me so happy! :D
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