Oct 09, 2002 15:33
I feel as if I have failed...at everything. My grades in school are lower than I would like them to be and each day seems to last forever. Time is passing by extremely slowly, yet I feel as if my teenage years are going by fast and I am not having any fun being young. I want to have the experience of being in a relationship, but I don't want to date just anyone. Do you think I am too picky??? I don't know what I really want because everytime that I do want something, it ends up being less than what I hoped for. Ok, I know that some people are reading this and are thinking that I have mental problems, but I assure you, I don't. I am just a really confused teenager that needs advice and guidance now more than she has ever needed it before.
Now that I have finished my overexaggerated paragraph about my life that no one is going to read anyway because no matter how dramatic I am, my life is still boring as hell, I guess I'll just end this run-on sentence and save my good and uplifting thoughts for another entry.