(no subject)

Dec 28, 2005 17:35

This is a questionnaire to get to know your friends better. Read through the comments below about me and then make sure you read the instructions at the bottom.

Have fun!!

1. What time is it? 5:20pm
2. Name as it appears on birth certificate? Mellisa Karen Cooper
3. Nickname(s): Melli, Melli-Mell
4. Piercings: 7
5. What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theater? The Family Stone
6. Eye color: Brown
7. Place of birth: Chicago, IL
8. Favorite foods: Lasagna, cream of chicken soup, graziano's house salad
9. Ever been to Africa: No
10. Ever been toilet papering: No
11. Loved someone so much it made you cry: unfortunately
12. Been in a car accident: yes
13. Croutons or bacon bits:Croutons
14. Favorite day of the week: saturday
15. Favorite restaurant: Biasetti's
16. Favorite sport to watch:Football
17. Favorite drink: Pineapple and peach absolute
18. Favorite ice cream: Vanilla and chocolate swirl
19. Disney or Warner Brothers: Warner Bro
20. Favorite fast food restaurant: Popeyes
21. What color is your bedroom carpet: ugly tan
22. How many times did you fail your driver's test? 0
23.From whom did you get your last email: um...i dont remember
24. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card: i can't choose just one
25. What do you do most often when you are bored: Sleep
26. Bedtime: when im tired
27. Who will respond to this the quickest: Sabrina
28. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? i dont care
29. Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire? dont care yet again
30.Favorite TV Shows: Nip Tuck, Lost
31. Last person you went to dinner
with: Meghan
32. Ford or Chevy: chevy
33. What are you listening to right now? my little cousin sing something he made up
34. What is your favorite color: if i had to choose one, blue
35. Lake, Ocean, or River? What??? what is the question?
36. How many tattoos do you have: 1
37. R&B or Rap? R&B
38. Cat or dog? cat
39. Who’s your secret admirier? well if i knew, it wouldn't be a secret now would it?
40. Who was the last person you had sex with? Ed
40. Time you finished this: 5:29pm, i cant believe i spent 9 min on this crap
41. How many people are you sending this to: don't know
Return directions: Now, here's what you're supposed to do. And please do not spoil the fun. Copy (NOT forward) this entire message and paste it onto a new wall. Change all of the answers so that they apply to you. Then send this to a whole bunch of people you know INCLUDING the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known facts about those who know you.
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