This is what landed fifty feet from my house at 4:15 this morning. Let me tell you, it is the scariest thing in the world to be awakened out of a dead sleep by one of these things. Maryland Shock Trauma needs to invest in a more quiet helicopter! 4:15 this thing shakes the shit out of my house, the spot light shines in my room... I thought the bitch was crashing it was so loud! RIDICULOUS! Of course when all was said and done (my lovely brother cons me into walking down the hill to see what happened) it was nearly 5AM. I wake up for work at 5:45 so it was hopeless to go back to sleep. So I am still awake as of now. I taught on less sleep than I thought possible. Those that are teachers will appreciate my insanity with it being the end of the year and having a classroom full of first graders... Melissa was not a happy camper today. Needless to say, I will be in bed early tonight!
Damn you MediVac.... DAMN YOU!!!!