
Jan 05, 2008 22:40

Ithigo! Nel needth your help in getting Nel'th friend back from the thtupid ath impotent baldy virgin. July helped Nel tho Nel knowth where to go, and Lyra knowth too, but we want you to come tho Nel doethn't have to eat hith thoul or anything.

Blue, Nel doethn't want to get into trouble or anything, but if you need Nel'th help, then Nel will try.

Uhm... Nel wouldn't want to go home anyway. Not thincthe Nel'th got Mao and Hei and everyone. And thtupid Nnoitra-thama getth beaten eathily here, too. Pluth thothe thingth aren't anywhere near ath amathing ath Ithigo!

...Walter, can Nel borrow Pup tonight, though?

And Lambo! Thtop being a thtupid ath and come with Nel to get Thuna back. Nel will thare Nel'th cookieth with you.

[ooc; b-because Nel doesn't really care unless people she realllllly reallyreallyreally likes are in trouble. >>; so she's just running about with Lyra shouting insults at Shouichi randomly and hoping Ichigo will come with so she can save Tsuna. And be awesome like that. horrible alien things stealing people off the streets? pffft. she just wants a puppy to cuddle come nightfall, yo.]

gimmie piggy back ride plz, jutht wanna thnuggle, cantht be thleep timez nao, nel'th the betht leader evar, nnoitra, brotherth pleathe, pleathe be kind, mm thoulth (but not), ithigo, ignoring the problem, thekrit cute plot perhapth?, what ith thith tomfoolery, impotent ath, kind of not really a question, do not be catching nel, hug timez nao

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