
Mar 24, 2007 09:27

It ith a thame Thir Perthival and Thir Galahad are quethting for the Grail. It feelth lonely without them. I thuppothe I thall occupy mythelf by grooming Bawabawa. He got awfully duthty after our latht ride. Thir Dogonet and the dragon thould be able to keep the Green Knight at bay before I rethume my potht.

If there ith anything I can can do for you, your Highneth, pleathe let me know. I am your motht humble thervant, ath ever.

Ah, and your Highneth Guinevak, if I can be of athithtancthe, it would be an honour, though I am aware that Thir Dagonet hath your hand, m'lady, and a thame that it ith not mythelf and that all I might do ith offer. And of courthe if goeth without thaying that if you need anything, your motht ethteemed highneth Igraine, I am willing to therve.

Jethter, perhapth you could try to perform thomething that doeth not lag tonight? Merlin could no doubt give you thome hintth.

I heard the Quethting Beatht wath back... If hith highneth witheth to conthult with Merlin and the Lady of the Thand, I thall accompany you.

[ooc; and I display my full geekery. >> Nell the knight, that is, Lady Sir Gawain, at your thervithe. Only, with a full size Bawabawa for the duration of the curse~ ♥ art was done by Mel~]

arthurian geekery, curthed, nel the knight

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