Mar 15, 2005 17:30
Health is just stupid. It's the stupidest class ever. It's boring. I read about a chapter or so from w/e book I happen to be reading, every class...and I have 100 average so far. yup.
I'm excited to see the musical! I've heard them practice and it sounds pretty good. The preview should be cool tomorrow. I give anyone who can be in any play or musical a whole lot of credit because I'm a big fat chicken when it comes to that stuff. Haha speaking of being in front of crowds...I totally sucked at the global presentation. That was so fun (not)! Yeah, at least it was only a few people at a time.
Ok, I'm reading this book called "Feed" right now and its weird. It's scifi and I'm a little lost, but it's got all these awards and stuff. I don't know, I just thought I'd share that...
Me and my mom have been fighting about stupid stuff lately. ugh. Alot of people get on my nerves lately, but I end up annoyed at myself because of it. I don't know, I'm weird.
Yeah, I guess that's it in my boring life...