May 30, 2005 00:12
So, I opened today. I really enjoyed it, actually. It's nice just being in the store by yourself, with no customers, just being able to get done what you need to get done. I had to do pv's today (process of making rental copies for sale to the public- "previously viewed"), and it was a lot easier than I thought, even though I ended up having to do them by myself. Adam was supposed to work with me today, but first he ended up being half an hour late, then he was off running returns the whole time I finally had to tell him to leave them alone and help customers so I could work on the pv's. My goal was to get them all done before Zach got there, so I busted my ass trying to get stuff done, and when he got there, I expected him to say something along the lines of "oh, good job on your first time opening!" But he didn't say a damn thing. I was bummed.
To work off my frustration, I ended up mowing and weedeating the back yard. Once upon a time, our back yard looked like a beautiful park with a bird bath and soft, green grass and all that other good stuff. Now, it's like a dry, ugly jungle. The grass- no, not even grass- the weeds were so thick that I had to empty the bag every couple minutes.
After that, I still had energy so I started cleaning off my parents' old bikes. They bought them like 20-something years ago, rode them a couple times, and haven't touched them since. We've just been hauling them around from house to house with us and they've never been used. They're pretty nice bikes though. They're those city bikes with the really thin tires. I'd like to get one cleaned up enough and get a new chain and tires on it so I can ride it myself.
After I got them dusted off, my mom came home with food so we sat down and watched "What's Eating Gilbert Grape." Awesome movie, I must say.
Oh, and at work today, I was helping a lady find some movies by different comedians. So while we're in the comedy section looking around she points to the shelf behind us and says something (I wasn't really paying attention), so I turn to look what she was pointing at and there was four of the bright yellow alphabet boxes (we have display boxes with each letter of the alphabet in each VHS section so we can stay better organized) all put in a row spelling out a word. These boxes included letters U, K, F, and C, not in that order. Luckily she thought it was hilarious and was not offended, but I still tore the boxes off the shelf all crazy like, afraid an old lady would walk by and see it.