Aug 31, 2003 00:55
I'll I have done is take a shower, washed my hair, clipped my nails, and put on a pretty nightgown, but I feel like a princess. Ahh, two and a half weeks without a hot shower or internet. It is good to be back, in that respect. But I already miss everyone and it hasn't even been 24 hours yet. It was an incredible, crazy three weeks - we taught in 16 schools, and almost 2000 children. I conversed with a chicken, got a sunburned and freckled face from playing soccer, was bitten by 500 mosquitos (my feet are a mass of red dots), had a non-angsty random crush (the very best sort), lost my luggage for 3 days, was the most violently sick I have ever been, learned several Spanish swears, and stapled more pesceras than I care to imagine. I can't believe it's over - but luckily most of the people I lived with are either Wellesley students or in the Boston area. So I'll see them again soon - we're even planning a reunion for the end of September.
I am both uber-excited and uber-nervous about this year at Wellesley. Fuck, I have to figure out this grad school thing. Right now I am definitely leaning towards educational policy. And I have 3 300's this semester - not that I expect the education ones to be that hard but they will still be a lot of work. But I am still excited because it is my senior year, and nearly everyone will be back from studying abroad or leaves of abscence - and that hasn't happened since my first year. It will be mucho fun.
Anyway, got to go to bed - I have to pack all day tomorrow - hopefully I'll be at Wellesley sometime tomorrow night. See you soon, girls!