Oct 29, 2001 22:31
So i realized today that one of the reasons i have been so moody recently is that it is about a year ago this week that laura committed suicide. And i read all the forwards about "remember molly " on firstclass and being the moron i am i read the whole molly thread on community and promptly ball my eyes out. I was gonna bitch about how bad my day was on livejournal this morning...but all the little things that pissed me off seem petty now. I feel so fortunate to be happy most of the time and to know i am loved. I am so glad i have you girls in my life. Yes, you drive me crazy sometimes with your angst : ) But don't ever doubt that i love you all and don't ever hesitate to ask me for help. Denise, i can never tell you how happy i am that you got out of Amherst when you did. Everyone, remember that you are loved and that is always alright to ask for help.
sorry for this sappy/depressed entry but i feel it needs to be said.