Mar 03, 2006 21:19
This not being able to play with LJ during work hours has really screwed up my internet world. I can't believe it is already March. I haven't posted or been around here in months. I'm still alive.
Life is good actually. Busy, a bit chaotic at times, but still good. And man, time does fly by.
It is much harder to post when there is nothing really wrong in your life than when things are relatively good. When there are things wrong, you can spill out your angst and your anger and your fears, but when things are good, there just doesn't seem to be much to say about that. And it isn't like my circumstances have really changed, but I am just content for the most part with where life is and where life is taking me.
I'm taking a training class through one of the local counseling centers on how to be a better listener... it basically is a layman's training on counseling techniques. It's a bit overwhelming how much is required of us in this class, but I think it will be good. I'm excited to see what comes of it. It definitely adds to my already full schedule.
I'm not feeling super well tonight, so am headed to my bed VERY early for a Friday night.... I hope that all of y'all are doing well! I've caught up a bit on your journals, but haven't really commented as I feel like I've missed so much of what has been going on.