WorldCon this year is held in Melbourne, Australia from 2 to 6 Sept 2010 and I wish I could go! I've got invites from three Odyssey classmates who all have plenty of room in their homes for us, and it's so tempting! After all, AussieCon is the closest con there is to Singapore and I'm told it is the most fun out of all the cons.
However, it looks like I'm all booked up during the period. If all goes well, my brother will be starting college in the US, which calls for a family trip (woot, I love New England). And then, right at the end of Sept, it's my long awaited honeymoon to Tokyo :) I can't wait for that.
I contemplated the idea of squeezing all three trips together, but I think it would just be crazy to travel that much. Not to mention that it would cost so much. I've been working so hard in the last six months that I am really loathe to let go of my "blood-sweat money" as we say.