280811. [McFassy] Quarrel

Aug 28, 2011 06:57

Series : RPS! X-Men: First Class
Characters : Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy
Title : Quarrel
Rate : G
Warning : Messiness, out of proportion, lazy sequence, grammar error
Summary : Michael and James having quarrel and james leave for US. Michael want to apologize. Based on Guinness commercial which featuring Fassy.

Disclaimer : Both of character or person isn't belong to me, I'm jus a big fan of them and their RPS. They are so canon it hurrrtsss

Last night, mcfassy was having Pic Spam parade which almost makes me hyperventilating with every post. And then, there is some Fassy's video clip music gif which makes me squealing in delight with shiroki_kun and then she dare me to make some short comic about Guinnes's commercial. And... this is what I can manage within 3 hours in excitement. No beta, plz pardom me with the engrish.

it was....

So this is kinda taken from James' POV and explanation why they were fighting. And shiroki-kun did mention they should have make up smut later, but... I leave it on fanfiction author or your own imagination to take care of it lol.

Hope you enjoy it :)

fancomic, mcfassy, rps! x-men: first class

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