Merlin 2x08 Picspam

Dec 26, 2009 23:01

Merlin 2x08 "Sins of the Father" Morgause/Morgana Picspam

A mysterious female knight turns up at Camelot, randomly kills 5 knights all badass-like, and challenges Arthur to a duel.  We find out her name is Morgause.

Morgana is inexplicably drawn to Morgause.  You can tell how much she digs her by the way the camera keeps cutting to Morgana's pale and anxious face whenever Morgause is getting beat up.

Arthur disarms Morgause at one point and Morgana almost leaps out of her seat with worry.  (It's okay though, because Morgause ends up pwning Arthur.)

This is just a gratuitous shot of Hot Woman In Armor Getting Her Wounds Treated.

After the fight, Morgana goes looking for Morgause in Morgause's bedroom.  She's all tentative and shy.  It's cute.

Morgause, in her conveniently almost see-through white top, is like "Whoa, hawt lady in my room!"

And Morgana is like "I don't want to intrude... I er, wanted to introduce myself, I'm Teh Lady Morgana"  Nice pick up line thar, Morgana.

I love how intense Morgause is.

Am I imagining things or is Morgana totes eyeing Morgause's chest here?

Still doing it...

Finally, eye contact!

"Breasts... mesmerising.  Can't... look... away...."

Morgause is much better with eye contact.  Here, she gazes up into Morgana's eyes.

Oh hai.  You kan haz intense look.  Iz full of emotion and hidden angst.

You can't really tell, due to her agonised expression, but here Morgana is saying "Could it be we've met somewhere before?"  She really needs to work on her pick-up lines, yo.

I love this shot of Morgause's face.  She's shaking her head gently in reply to Morgana's question, but you can totes tell that there's more to it.  You get the feeling she has met Morgana before, but she can't say anything.  SUCH ANGST.

Mai healing bracelet.  You kan haz token of my LOVE!

Suddenly it's all too intense for Morgana and she's like "I has to go nao."

"But... but.... mai healin bracelet... you no takez?"

Then Morgause is like "I hope you will remember me fondly."  Seriously, who says that, after only a five minute conversation?  Morgause, apparently, cos she is INTENSE.  Anyway, it sounds like GOODBAI4EVAR, and Morgana can only nod and look distraught.

And this is just a gratuitous shot of Hot Woman With Horse and Sword.

So... Morgause/Morgana - slashy as hell or what?  I didn't even cap Morgause pulling an Edward Cullen and watching Morgana sleep.  Kind of creepy, but she had an excuse  - she ended up leaving her bracelet behind for Morgana to find upon waking. When Morgana does wake, she finds out that the healing bracelet totally worked because she didn't have nightmares for once. And she's all happy and in a good mood - I like to think it's because she sekritly likes that Morgause left the bracelet for her.

Of course, ten minutes later, I find out that Morgause is Morgana's half-sister, so the whole thing is slightly incestuous. But I'm going to ignore that.

subtext, pictures, fandom, totally doing it, tv

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