Recent happenings

Dec 07, 2008 18:58

- Yesterday, 
Jeanette and I went to Monash to play badminton.  She kicked my butt.  Hard.  Every muscle in my legs is in PAIN.  It was really fun though, even if we were complete n00bs at it.

Lucia came over to give me half of my birthday present and showed me her shiny new laptop and pictures of Uluru and her puppy.

- I've been reading Birds of Prey (the comic) and omfg it's so good.  SO GOOD.  I can't even begin to describe the utter geek bliss I am in right now.   Brain... cannot... process... the... subtext... awesomeness... *head explodes*  Also, comic book artists are really, really, and I mean REALLY good at drawing hot women.  /geek!perv

- The other day, my parents asked me to take my 70 year old relatives on a tour of the Glen shopping centre.  This would have been fine if my dear mother had not made some comment about me needing new shoes just before we left.  From that moment, I was doomed.  Cue two hours of elderly relatives wanting to stop at every. single. shoe shop in the Glen.  FYI, shoe shopping = my least favorite activity in the world.

- I sent my sister on a mission to buy me a WoW gamecard while I was being tortured thus, and she managed to acquire one for me whilst pretending to shop for clothes at Supré.  Quest for gamecard: Mission Accomplished.  I love my sister.

- Last night Valky hit 75.  Only five levels until 80!  They grow up so fast.

- This morning I dreamt that I fell in love with Buffy at a school assembly and I told her that I regretted choosing Xena over her in the which-one-would-you-save-if-both-were-drowning-scenario.  But now that I'm awake, I'd still choose Xena.

Now, back to my comic world bliss.

rianna, wow, birds of prey, lucia, guests, life

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