Jun 18, 2008 00:56

I had such a good dream this morning.  SUCH A GOOD DREAM.

So it started off with me being in this training school for elite police commando soldiers or something. But something happened! A part of my sofa (one of the cushiony parts) detached itself and started floating downriver. I jumped in the river to try and save it but it was floating too fast... try as I might, I couldn't catch up to it, and it ended up falling off the edge of a waterfall. I thought "Oh well", and went back to the dorms, figuring that the rubbish collector guy, Mr. Popov (he was in charge of emptying the bins in my high school), would find it and bring it back to me.

As I was heading back up to my room, I started singing loudly (and probably off key). So imagine my surprise and embarrassment when I got to my room and found...



I was all flustered to find her in my room but she was like "don't sweat it, it's five by five", or something equally Faith-y and we started chatting. I got the impression that she kinda liked me and I was all happy and giddy. We were getting pretty cosy when some guy appeared in full body armour and a big gun and he was like "we're moving out", cos some fighting had erupted somewhere. (Eliza, by the way, was not impressed by the random guy at all, even though he was trying to be all flashy with his big gun).

The next part of my dream is a bit blurry because it was mostly just me moving about in the city shooting stuff (kind of like in a FPS), but then... I saw someone. It was...



And suddenly all the fighting stopped, and I started walking towards Rachel Nichols. She was wearing a white tank top and I could see that the back of her shoulders was kinda sunburnt so I said something like "Hey, you're sunburnt... we should get you some more clothes", and I placed my hand on her shoulder because I suddenly had this intense need to touch her skin... which for some reason, didn't freak her out at all. And then we started chatting and she was like "Can you help me with something?" and I was like "Sure!", and I was really excited because I couldn't believe Rachel Nichols was talking to me. And then we went clothes shopping. o.O

So we were standing outside this clothing store looking in the window, and there were three things on display: a high-waisted red skirt, an expensive looking brown coat and a grey sweater. And Rachel started undressing and trying stuff on, and she needed me to help button stuff up, and hold onto her clothes and undress her, and I was like ZOMG. Anyway, so this went on for a while, and Rachel totally couldn't decide what to get... she was torn between the red skirt and the brown coat. And THEN guess who showed up??


(This dream just gets better and better...)

So in my dream, Milla and Rachel were pretty good friends and Rachel introduced me to Milla and dream-me was like "zomg I can't believe I'm hanging out with Rachel Nichols and Milla Jovovich". And then me and Milla were trying to convince Rachel that she should get the red skirt. AND THEN, as I was listing all the good things about the red skirt, I said something like "the style is in fashion at the moment", and they both stared at me and were like "...". And I was like "what?", and Milla and Rachel both said at the same time "this skirt came out PRE spring carnival!"... which apparently means that it's slightly out of fashion now. And I was like zomg whatev and muttered "well we can't /all/ be supermodels, can we?", and my wit was apparently too much for them because they were like zomg lolz and were totally into me like whoa. And then they invited me back to their hotel and I was like ZOMG.

And then I woke up.


And it was that blurry, half-awake type waking up, where I might have been able to go back to sleep and re-enter the dream... except that it had somehow registered in my mind that I was dreaming about Eliza Dushku, Rachel Nichols and Milla Jovovich and I snapped awake and was like HOLY CRAP THIS IS THE BEST DREAM EVER. And then, of course, I couldn't go to back to sleep. -.-

So then I hopped on WoW and had a couple of really good hours questing with Callysto. And then I had a really good shower. And then I had a really good breakfast consisting of really good pasta with REALLY GOOD CHEESE. And then I had a cup of awesome tea.


[Edit: I meant to post this earlier (like, yesterday) but it took me FOREVER to find that second last picture of Milla...]

crushes, pictures, hot girls, dreams

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