Jun 11, 2006 11:22
Hey everyone! I'm back from THE 64TH ANNUAL ALABAMA GIRLS STATE
I have never done so much and been so productive in one week. I learned so much I think my head will explode. The speakers that we had were amazing. We had Bob Ingrum (pervy old rich man), Kay Ivey (Treasurer of Alabama!), Troy King (Attorney General!), Lucy Baxley (Lt. Governor and running against Bob Riley for governor), and Bob Riley himself!
If I haven't already bored you with the details of what Girl's State is I will tell you now. 342 girls from all across Alabama go to Troy Univeristy for one week. We were divided into cities of about 20-25 girls each. We elected mayors and city officials. We also had county and state positions. Governor, LT. Governor, and Attorney General are the top 3 positions.
As some of you know, I ran for an office. I lost haha. I cried because I'm a loser but now I'm over it. One of my best friends, Bethany McIleer from Vestavia, got governor. That is a huge deal. The governor gets to appoint a cabinet of 5 girls to go with her to meet governor Bob Riley personally. Bethany picked me! I am the Financial Director for all of Girls State and had my own individual picture taken with Bob Riley and Kay Ivey. I also got all sorts of cool souveneirs from them. I was awe struck all day long. That was Friday morning. Friday afternoon I had to say goodbye to everybody and I turned into the emotional girl that cries like the world is ending. I cried and made everyone else cry and we all took really bad pictures with messed up make up.
The girls that I met there I know I will keep in touch with because I already have plans with more than half for parties and visits with set dates already! Those girls are amazing and those friendships will last me for the rest of my life. There aren't even words to describe how great they are, how much I love them, and how stinking much I miss all of them already!
I still have a ton more to talk about so if you want me to talk to about Girls State for hours: ask and you shall recieve. This week was undescribable and really did change my life.