(no subject)

Mar 15, 2006 20:05

If you know me well at all, you know I'm not a very shy person. You know I'm not afraid to tell you what I think or how I feel. If you know me really really well, you know that the opposite of that is true. I have become more and more afraid to tell me people about the real me lately. I have even been afraid to say what I feel on livejournal. So I had been planning this huge livejournal post about myself to catch everyone up and it was going to be profound and brilliant and witty. But something has changed. I realized very recently that my priorities are completely messed up.

This livejournal post is not about me. This post is about God. If you have a problem with religion or with my religion then stop reading, if you care enough about me to read on, then continue if you please. This year has been a crazy stressful year for all of us. We are all freaking out about college and the SAT and ACT. I have let school and homework take priority in my life (even when I don't do my homework). I have let school become my excuse for not reading my Bible, or I have been up doing homework and I'm tired so I can't spare a few minutes to pray.

If you have talked to me lately then you know that this past weekend was Disciple Now at Hunterstreet. (please keep all your opinions about Hunterstreet to yourself, that isn't what this is about). Not many of you may know that two years ago, in 9th grade, I was saved at D-Now. If you knew me in 9th grade then you know I had a huge change in my life. I stopped cussing (eventually) and I changed my goals in life. I became concerned about different things. Tonight at church Ryan King got up on stage and told us all about how he was saved Saturday night, and I cried because it was the exact same thing that had happened to me. I talked to Ryan after the service and he was so glad that I came and told him and we had a nice little heart to heart. I felt like I was the only one who was late to the game. I wasn't, and you aren't either.

1 Thes. 3:8 says "For now we really live since you are standing firm in the Lord" That has become so clear to me lately. We have to stand firm in the Lord to really live. There is no life away from God, at least not for me. He is my life and and my way. I live for Him and to talk about Him. I have to stand firm in him to truly live.

If you made it this far, thank you for reading and I think you might be glad you did too. I would like to now say thank you to two people who are related. Griffin and Meredith Collins, you two have taught me so much in the past two years. Griffin, you got me to go back to church in the first place, and for that I can never thank you enough. Meredith, you taught me about family and how we have to love our family no matter what they decide in life. You were there for me when I was going through one of the hardest times in my life and I really really appreciate that.

If you feel like the only Christian out there, you're not. I'm standing up right now and saying it.

I am a Christian.
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