(no subject)

May 27, 2015 21:45

What Are You Reading (Actually On A!) Wednesday:

• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

What are you currently reading?

The Summer Prince by Alaya Dawn Johnson.
So, I bought this aaaaaages ago and then my aging computer and ereader stopped playing nicely together, so I had it sitting on my computer and was unable to actually read it. Which was immensely frustrating. New shiny tablet, however, let me download it and I am now reading it and I am loving it. There is assumed bisexuality and polyamory and it is about the power and role of art and how technology and life interact.

What did you recently finish reading?

Nineteen Seventy Four (Red Riding Quartet, #1), by David Pearce.
I was enjoying this when I wrote my last Reading Wednesday post and then I carried on reading it and got sort of progressively less thrilled. The problem is that it was very true to its particular setting and time, and that is just miserable. So so so much sexual violence - which, I know, hasn't gone away, but written perfectly for the 70s in the North and it was just grim. Maybe not the sort of book to finish reading when your mother has just died and your emotions are raw? I might read the others in the quartet at some point in the future but right now I'm not actively seeking them out.

Funeral Games, by Mary Renault.
I did enjoy this, even though it broke my heart a few times. What was fascinating was seeing how fractured the book was, and its characters were once the centralising, organising, charismatic force of Alexander was gone. The memory of him and his style of leadership only carries people so far and then it all disintegrates.

Merivel: A Man of His Time by Rose Tremain.
I can't make up my mind about this. There were parts of it that I felt did work and worked very well, and then parts that seemed incredibly indulgent and a bit ploddy or just unnecessary - there's a strange sexual encounter in a cart that served very little purpose. But, for fluffy historical fiction it was fine.

What do you think you’ll read next?

I was hoping that the answer to this would be Kate Atkinson's latest, A God in Ruins which is a semi-sequel to Life After Life, which I loved. But! I just checked the library reserve list and I am number 21. Which might be a good thing, because I suspect I need to re-read Life After Life before A God in Ruins or I'm going to be really confused.

books, books: what are you reading ~day

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