I've got about half of the car unloaded. Just glad I got the laundry done in PA. To all of those who had to return to work: I hope your days are easy ones and that you get plenty of rest.
Lots of wonderful pictures have already been loaded by others. Thank you so much! My camera never made it out of its bad all of War, so my favorite moments are locked away in my memory. Skorri and Ursus have started loading their pics on smug mug. They are at
skorri.smugmug.com and
ursus.smugmug.com. Skorri sent me two of the pictures that he took of war. I had asked whether he had gotten any from Court. Because it was in the Barn, the lighting was pretty sketching for photos, but here's the end result of the sleeve/forepart project I'd been working on. The forepart has the same embellishment as the sleeves in an inverted T shape. The french hood went much better than the last attempt, although I think the brim part needs to be a bit wider/bigger.
Back to unpacking.....