Jun 20, 2007 21:42
The trip North was fun and relaxing. My mom and I switched vehicles until I go to Pennsic. YEAH for AC and a working radio!!!!! Made the trip back MUCH more enjoyable.
Not much else going on. Nothing earth-shattering. Pretty much caught up on the back-log of KMOL stuff. Just a few 'problem children' to take care of. The revisions for the Youth Combat stuff went over well. Hopefully with these couple of changes, things will be much easier for parents, kids, MoLs, and marshals to understand. Less confusion is always good.
And since I'm slightly behind all things LJ, here's the Senior Year meme:
And no laughing! :D
Senior year meme Fill this out about your SENIOR year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be.
1. Who was your best friend? Lissy
2.What sports did you play? NONE. I was a science/music nerd.
3. What kind of car did you drive? 1992 grey chevy corsica
4. It's Friday night, where were you? In Mapletown with Lissy, at a football game, or a wrestling match
5. Were you a party animal? Uh..... no. Although there was a pretty persistant rumor that I hosted barn parties every friday night for the guys' sports teams.
6. Were you considered a flirt? Hah! no.
7. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? Choir
8. Were you a nerd? Nerd
9. Did you get suspended/expelled? Absolutely not!
10. Can you sing the fight song? Yes
11. Who was your favorite teacher? Mr. Hardy (Physics) or Mrs. Montgomery (Choir)
13. School mascot? the Raiders
14. Did you go to Prom? Not exactly
15. If you could go back and do it over, would you? Nope, I don't think so
16. What do you remember most about graduation? How cold it was. It was only 50 degrees and very grey that day
17. Where were you on senior skip day? At school - Yes I was the only senior there.
18. Did you have a job your senior year? No
19. Where did you go most often for lunch? We weren't allowed to leave, so I went to the choir room. Everyday for most of high school.
20. Have you gained weight since then? Um.....yeah.
21. What did you do after graduation? went to WVU and learned how to be a party animal and a flirt
22. When did you graduate? 1997
23. Who was your Senior prom date? a camera and a cashbox
24. Are you going / did you go to your 10 year reunion? I don't even think we're having one. It would be this summer, but I've not heard anything.
25. Who was your home room teacher? Mr. Yanity (Chemistry) although I was always in Mr. H's room, since there were two really hot guys over there. :)