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Mar 27, 2008 17:18

Summary: There is only so much from Jack that Ianto can take.

Warnings: Spoilers through series one and KKBB.   Sex, swearing, violence and partner betrayal, just like Torchwood.
Ianto is neither blind nor naïve enough to believe that he is the only one for Jack.


Torchwood Fic: Hand(s)

Rating: PG/PG-13

Pairings: Gen. Jack/Ianto pre-slash. Maybe.

Words: 1038

Warnings: None. Some references made to Ianto before the series, however. Drabble-esque.

Summary: How Jack and Ianto's interview could have gone down (into their first shooting lesson together.)

“You never learnt how to shoot a gun?” Jack asks incredulously.

torchwood, jack/ianto, fic, ianto, ianto/john

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