The Kitty Miracle

Jan 10, 2009 18:51

My cat Myrtle has had a re-occurring problem going on at least 8-years.  At least twice a year for 8-years my cat has just stopped eating.  She typically loses a third or more of her weight rapidly.  I have been to seven vets in the last 8-years and the best any of them could come up with was to force feed her (putting soft food in a syringe and shooting the food down her throat three times a day) until she started eating again.  At the best of times we force fed her for three days.  At the worst it took two weeks before she would eat again.  It has been the only way to keep her alive for the past 8-years.  And once she had stopped eating - nothing but force feeding worked.  Well - yesterday I saw a new vet.  We went in, I told him the story and he said, "we can fix this."  I looked at him skeptically but told him if he could actually fix her I would worship the ground he walks on.  He said she has an inflammatory condition and needs steroid shots a couple of times a year and she will be fine.  He gave her the shot and sent her home while I made plans to continue force feeding her.  But then a miracle happened.  This morning, after refusing to eat for at least two days - my cat woke up and ate her entire bowl of food and then wanted more!!!!!!!!!!  I now worship the ground that vet walks on!!!!  You have no idea how important this is to me and my kitty.  I just lament the last eight years of putting her through hell to keep her alive when there was such a simple solution to her problem.  YIPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
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